
A full-stack MERN app. Dashboard that alters the background with the current weather of the user's location and provides randomized entertainment output. Original concept consisted of 3 randomized questions to analyze the user's mood and provide a results page with conditional entertainment output based on the analysis.

Technologies Used

  • Mongodb
  • Express
  • React
  • Node

React Components

  • Auth components: success redirects to profile page
    • Login: Directs to QuestionForm
    • Signup
  • Layout components
    • Nav
    • Footer
  • Home: Landing page with app description.
  • QuestionForm: Authorized route - logged in users only. Displays mood question and form. After answering this directs to the Results page.
  • Profile: Authorized route - logged in users only. Displays user info, ability to edit user info and a bar chart tracking the user's mood throughout the week.
    • ProfileEdit.js: Edit form for user info.
  • Results: Authorized route - logged in users only. Dashboard displaying uplifting content and suggestions to improve/maintain user's daily mood.
    • Food.js: Displays suggested restaurant information.
    • Restaurant.js: displays suggested restaurant image.
    • Giphy.js: Displays entertaining giphy.
    • Movie.js : Displays suggested movie and corresponding rating and description.
    • Output.js: Displays sayings output.
    • Weather.js: Displays weather icon based on current weather description.
    • WeatherTemp.js: Displays temperature based on user location.
  • App.js: Get user info and set all routes.

Technical Notes

A single page application (SPA) that uses react-router and axios to interact with a very loosely coupled back-end. The back-end can sign up, log in, or verify a user using JSON web tokens (JWTs). Back-end also tracks user's response to mood question and contains database of output sayings that are randomized upon page refresh.

Backend Routes

POST /auth/signup Adds new user to user database
POST /auth/login Authenticates login details
POST /auth/current/user If token present, refresh user data
PUT /profile/edit/:id Edit user/profile info
POST /answer/user/:id Tracks user's daily question input in the db
POST /answer/score Finds all answers for the user to display in profile bar chart
POST /result/weather Fetches darksky API for weather
POST /result/restaurant Fetches Yelp restaurant information
POST /result/giphy/:currently Fetches Giphy
POST /result/saying Finds all sayings for results page

Still To Do

  • Tie user's mood response to randomized output.