
Landing page for Thankky - ALX Software Engineering portfolio project

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  • Portfolio Project By Oluwaseyi Idowu


Portfolio Project Proposal Prepared for: ALX Software Engineering Program Prepared by: Oluwaseyi Idowu, Cohort8 Member. 2023-03-16

My Proposal

Having seen several technologies across diverse platforms over the years, especially over the web. It is a very interesting thing to be trained in knowing and using this technology. This is what ALX has done for me and now I want to use the knowledge to build something that will be useful if not for everyone but at least for myself.

Having taken several reading, studying, practicing and projects in ALX over the last 8 months, it is time to build. It’s notable to find out the reduction in human relationship and human response especially in appreciating others. Despite the increase in the use of social media, this innate human need is unsatisfied. This has mostly been attributed to “busying” for most individuals.

But can we make things better? Yes. This is why I have decided to make a contribution to the solution by building thankky an app which will write and get an appreciation message to anyone with few details and clicks.

Thanks for your time.

Oluwaseyi Idowu Cohort 8 member ALX Software Engineering. About Me

I am a graduate of The Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State. I studied Meteorology and Climate Science from the department of Meteorology at the school of Earth and Mineral Sciences where I graduated with a second class upper division.

My love for technology, especially micro-computing made me have a long adventure in working with electrical devices, mobile phones, computer hardware and later finally software. This is what brought me to software engineering too at ALX.

I have always loved to use technology to build and provide solutions using technology. ALX software engineering has provided me with the skills in software engineering and all its related skills. This will be highly valuable in this portfolio project.

Human time is limited, so also the time we have with ourselves. Also knowing that human relationships are very important, it will be great to cherish and maximise every bit of it. Appreciation is one of the ways human relationships can be enhanced and secured for a long time.

This is my timeline in building thankky. I will be available to answer any questions as required. Project Scope

Thankky is a proposed web app which features in writing an appreciative message(s) and at the same time send it to anyone or identity across the internet. Thankky will generate the appreciation message as guided and send it to any internet address provided and as instructed by the user in the context permitted by moderating authorities.

More features are to be expected in the later days. This includes scheduled appreciation. Integration across several platforms, etc. Project Name and Tagline: Thankky An appreciative text generator and sender web app. Team: Presently this project has one contributor named below; Oluwaseyi Idowu Technologies: The proposed technology for this project include: HTML and CSS OpenAI Javascript and it’s libraries express Vite Vanilla Js And others

There are quite many alternatives to all the above; For Javascript, python can be used as the main language. Javascript is chosen due to its easy integration with the web and other web technologies. Also, in place of OpenAI there are others but OpenAI with its achievement with ChatGPT has shown a lot of possibilities for the past few weeks. Challenge Statement: The basic problem intended to be addressed by this project is breaking/weak human relationships due to lack of communication, busyness and inadequate appreciation.

This portfolio project will not forcefully connect two persons or overturn judgment or redirect favor, etc. but can aid in achieving all this mentioned. This project will help any individual willing to increase communication and human relationship bonds with another individual or entity. This can range from teenagers to adults, also to public and corporate entities. This project is relevant. Some challenges came up which was not obvious during the initial research. One of these is a problem using the framework (Vanilla JS). An error from the framework has kept slowing down the project over time. Presently efforts are being made to look for an alternative for handling this section of the project. The major unexpected non-technical challenges that came up is the error with the backend framework. Also a breakdown in the development environment due to low system capacity.

Challenges in the second week: The most difficult challenges encountered in the second week is in configuring the openai API to give desired responses only. There are multiple options on the capabilities to integrate but work is still ongoing in finding the most appropriate. On the other hand, the most non techmical challneges encountered in the second week is handling the effect of unavailable cash in the country. Since cash is needed for almost all transactions. This has made the most basic needs inaccessible which in turn reduces the attention plaed on the project. Risks: The technical risks for this project includes; possibility of withdrawal of free access to openAI forever. The impact of this will be a need to spend on these services. One of the alternatives to this is google bard but still under development and testing. One of the non-technical risks is the possibility of low acceptance or a presence of a competitive service or platform. This might mean less use of this product. A strategy to handle this is a continuous development of features to make it stand out.

Infrastructure: As for now, there will be minimal branching and merging in the project repository since I might be the only contributor. The master and another branch will be used or maintained for the project. The project will be deployed on Github. Web server’s extension and browsers will be used for the testing.

Existing Similar Platform: https://happybirthdaywisher.com Share hardcoded birthday related messages across different entities.

Furuteme.com Sends a future message to your linked email

The Solution

Thankky is an AI text (appreciation message) generator and sender web app. It will be powered by openAI. It generates an appreciative text as guided by the user. Also sends this generated text to an identifiable entity provided.
App Structure This is how the page will be structured:

Landing page/registration or login Operation to perform About Contact

Collaboration/Communication As a sole person on this project. This project has received support from a few people. Most from peers in the program. At the same time, I have given support to help keep many people and team going in the program.

Progress Timetable These are the main stages the project will go through and the timeline of the project:

Stage Completion Date Project proposal Draft/approval Week 1, Feb 17-24, 2023 Others Loading…

Progress Updates The first major update is the probability to change the entire project due to inconsistency with the infrastructure and deliverables planned into the project. Also, changes are planned to be made to some frameworks used. This is due to some error with the framework tobe used in the project. Progress Progress Scale on a scale of 1 to 10: 4 Progress measurement: The progress is measured by the amount of completed sections till the project goes live. A progress scale of 4 means the project has a clear idea, the front end codes are written and okay and there is also a plan in place to finish up. .A scale of time will mean the project has gone live and it’s generating inflow in some ways. Whether the project will be completed on time as specified in the Project Proposal and MVP definition: The answer to this will be a 70% No. On the other hand there are possibilities of developing something else. The Progress this week can be placed on a scale of 4 out of 10. I was able to work on the script for the server side. Integrating the html and css for the user interface was done. Also making a skeleton for the whole mvp was done as planned. Full integration, especially getting responses from the openai API is still uncompleted yet.

Architecture: User to application server, fetch response using the openai API then delivered to the user and then to any social entity input by the user. An image of this will be added soon. API’s and Methods: Thankky uses the openai GPT-3 API to generate a congratulatory message which is then sent directly to any acceptable identity across the internet. Data Modelling: The user data required mainly are name and email which is used to to personalize and customize the generated message sent back to an acceptable and accessible identity supplied by the user. User Stories: As client name, with highly busy schedules, I can appreciate him, her or them in real time with Thankky Appreciation, they say ,is the byproduct of success. I will appreciate now because my success is on the way. With thanky we (I) appreciate better. Mockups: Loading.