The person, not the language. Co-Founder @Truebill, Co-Founder @websdotcom
Rocket MoneySilver Spring, MD
idris's Following
- adeelraza@mailmunch @unroll-io
- ahmedre
- danielmcgrath@truebill
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- erikrob
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- jamsessoReplicant
- jennylinInstagram
- jeresig@Khan
- jonasdtBrussels
- justinnurse
- kylehillSkylight Digital
- markboberYelp
- mbleigh@firebase (@google)
- phoehne
- pmallett
- richleland@QuorumUS
- rossfishkindSan Francisco
- ryanmcgrathFreelance
- ryanstoutArsenal
- shiftbInstacart
- spockeTiny Technologies Inc
- steelbrain@schoolhouse-world
- streed
- TechForPalestine
- teejTitan Systems, Inc
- twisterghost
- umairsiddique
- websdavid
- xavid
- zmokhtarTenovos