
Primary LanguageHaskell

Knowledge management tools

a collection of shell-script hackery that I use to manage pdfs and notes. Mostly these concern ebooks and academic papers. I prefer a visual style representation of my books, even as command line troll.



create a table of contents from a pdf file. Useful for inclusion in a note taking system such as roam, notion, or plain text files

pdftc sample run

To try it out after you have nix installed:

nix run --extra-experimental-features nix-command --extra-experimental-features flakes github:idrisr/knotools#pdftc <book.pdf>


remove a particular string from a pdf file. Useful for removing text watermarks.


prepend an image to the title page of a pdf file, ie give a book a new cover.


rename a node in the zettelkasten and all accompanying references


create a table of contents from a pdf and add it to the zettelkasten