
A classic snake in python for your terminal.

Primary LanguagePython

Snake Game

This is a simple implementation of the classic Snake game in Python using the curses library. The game window has a border, and the snake is represented by a solid block for the head and hollow blocks for the body segments. The game continues indefinitely, with no limit on the score.

Demo Video

🐍 How to Play

The player controls a snake that moves around the game window, eating food and growing longer with each food pellet consumed. The goal is to score as many points as possible without running into the walls or the snake's own body.

Each food pellet eaten by the snake increases the player's score by one point. The snake also gets longer with each pellet consumed. Once the score reaches a certain threshold, the player advances to the next level, and the snake length is reduced by one segment.

If the snake collides with its own body, the game is over, and the final score is displayed.

📦 Installation

clone this repo to your local machine using

git clone https://github.com/idrisschebak/snake

Navigate to the cloned repository in the terminal window using the cd command.

Run the game with the command python:

python snake_game.py.

🕹️ Controls

⬆️ Up arrow key: move the snake up

⬇️ Down arrow key: move the snake down

⬅️ Left arrow key: move the snake left

➡️ Right arrow key: move the snake right

💡 Reporting Bugs and Contributing

If you encounter any bugs or would like to suggest new features, please create an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions are also welcome! If you would like to contribute to Kitsec, please create a pull request on the GitHub repository.

🔖 License

Kitsec is licensed under the MIT License.