
adaptation of original lcm java project with corrections and enhancements

Primary LanguageJava

ch.ethz.idsc.lcm-java Build Status

Enhanced LCM tools in Java, version 0.1.1

Original code from lcm-proj.github.io

Code adapted in collaboration with SwissTrolley+ at IDSC.

The adaptation is compatible with the original Java LCM Tools. Single exception: the class discovery is narrowed.

Diverse projects rely on the lcm-java library:


SwissTrolley plus


Autonomous Gokart


  • in Spy: display of total data rate; alignments of columns
  • in LogPlayer: file chooser dialog
  • class discovery for jar files

General Setup

Quote from Multicast Setup: "If your computer is not connected to any network, you may need to explicitly enable multicast traffic by adding multicast entries to your system's routing table. On Linux, you can setup the loopback interface for multicast with the following commands:

sudo ifconfig lo multicast
sudo route add -net netmask dev lo

Remember, you must always do this to use LCM if your machine is not connected to any external network."

Remark: On Mac OS when using Wifi it may be necessary to add the following to the list of VM arguments



Specify repository and dependency of the lcm-java library in the pom.xml file of your maven project:

