
Go package that provides implementations of common data structures including a double-ended queue (Deque), a linked list, a queue, a trie, a stack, a priority queue, a binary search tree, a graph, and a skip list.

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go-collections is a Go package that provides implementations of common data structures, including a double-ended queue (Deque), various stack implementations, a linked list, a queue, a trie, a priority queue, a binary search tree, a skip list, and a graph. This package offers a simple and efficient way to use these structures in Go, with support for generic types.


You can install the package using the Go module system:

go get github.com/idsulik/go-collections


Here is a brief example of how to use the Deque:

package main

import (

func main() {
  d := deque.New[int](0)

  front, _ := d.PopFront()
  back, _ := d.PopBack()

  fmt.Println(front) // Output: 2
  fmt.Println(back)  // Output: 1

Data Structures


A set represents a collection of unique items.

Type Set[T comparable]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T comparable]() *Set[T]
  • Methods:

    • Add(item T): Adds an item to the set.
    • Remove(item T): Removes an item from the set.
    • Has(item T) bool: Returns true if the set contains the specified item.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the set.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items in the set.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Returns true if the set is empty.
    • Elements() []T: Returns a slice containing all items in the set.
    • AddAll(items ...T): Adds multiple items to the set.
    • RemoveAll(items ...T): Removes multiple items from the set.
    • Diff(other *Set[T]) *Set[T]: Returns a new set containing items that are in the receiver set but not in the other set.
    • Intersect(other *Set[T]) *Set[T]: Returns a new set containing items that are in both the receiver set and the other set.
    • Union(other *Set[T]) *Set[T]: Returns a new set containing items that are in either the receiver set or the other set.
    • IsSubset(other *Set[T]) bool: Returns true if the receiver set is a subset of the other set.
    • IsSuperset(other *Set[T]) bool: Returns true if the receiver set is a superset of the other set.
    • Equal(other *Set[T]) bool: Returns true if the receiver set is equal to the other set.


A double-ended queue (Deque) allows adding and removing elements from both the front and the back.

Type Deque[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any](initialCapacity int) *Deque[T]
  • Methods:

    • PushFront(item T): Adds an item to the front of the deque.
    • PushBack(item T): Adds an item to the back of the deque.
    • PopFront() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item at the front of the deque.
    • PopBack() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item at the back of the deque.
    • PeekFront() (T, bool): Returns the item at the front of the deque without removing it.
    • PeekBack() (T, bool): Returns the item at the back of the deque without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items in the deque.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the deque is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the deque.


A singly linked list where elements can be added or removed from both the front and the end.

Type LinkedList[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any]() *LinkedList[T]
  • Methods:

    • AddFront(value T): Adds a new node with the given value to the front of the list.
    • AddBack(value T): Adds a new node with the given value to the end of the list.
    • PeekFront() (T, bool): Returns the value of the node at the front without removing it.
    • PeekBack() (T, bool): Returns the value of the node at the end without removing it.
    • RemoveFront() (T, bool): Removes the node from the front and returns its value.
    • RemoveBack() (T, bool): Removes the node from the end and returns its value.
    • Iterate(fn func(T) bool): Iterates over the list and applies a function to each node's value until the function returns false or the end is reached.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the list is empty.
    • Size() int: Returns the number of elements in the list.
    • Clear(): Removes all elements from the list.


A FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue that supports basic queue operations.

Type Queue[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any](initialCapacity int) *Queue[T]
  • Methods:

    • Enqueue(item T): Adds an item to the end of the queue.
    • Dequeue() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item at the front of the queue.
    • Peek() (T, bool): Returns the item at the front of the queue without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items currently in the queue.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the queue is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the queue.

Stack Interface

An interface representing a LIFO (last-in, first-out) stack.

Type Stack[T any]

  • Methods:

    • Push(item T): Adds an item to the top of the stack.
    • Pop() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item from the top of the stack.
    • Peek() (T, bool): Returns the item at the top without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items in the stack.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the stack is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the stack.


An array-based stack implementation using a slice.

Type ArrayStack[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any](initialCapacity int) *ArrayStack[T]
  • Implements: Stack[T]

  • Methods:

    • Push(item T): Adds an item to the top of the stack.
    • Pop() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item from the top.
    • Peek() (T, bool): Returns the item at the top without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items currently in the stack.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the stack is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items, leaving the stack empty.


A linked list-based stack implementation.

Type LinkedListStack[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any]() *LinkedListStack[T]
  • Implements: Stack[T]

  • Methods:

    • Push(item T): Adds an item to the top of the stack.
    • Pop() (T, bool): Removes and returns the item from the top.
    • Peek() (T, bool): Returns the item at the top without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items currently in the stack.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the stack is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the stack.


A Trie (prefix tree) data structure that supports insertion and search operations for words and prefixes.

Type Trie

  • Constructor:

    func New() *Trie
  • Methods:

    • Insert(word string): Adds a word to the Trie.
    • Search(word string) bool: Checks if the word exists in the Trie.
    • StartsWith(prefix string) bool: Checks if there is any word in the Trie that starts with the given prefix.

Priority Queue

A priority queue allows for efficient retrieval and removal of the highest (or lowest) priority element. It's commonly used in algorithms like Dijkstra's shortest path and task scheduling.

Type PriorityQueue[T any]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T any](less func(a, b T) bool) *PriorityQueue[T]
    • less: A comparison function that determines the priority of elements. If less(a, b) returns true, then a has higher priority than b.
  • Methods:

    • Push(item T): Adds an item to the priority queue.
    • Pop() (T, bool): Removes and returns the highest priority item.
    • Peek() (T, bool): Returns the highest priority item without removing it.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of items in the priority queue.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the priority queue is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all items from the priority queue.

Binary Search Tree

A Binary Search Tree (BST) maintains elements in sorted order, allowing for efficient insertion, deletion, and lookup operations. Each node has at most two children, with left child values less than the parent and right child values greater.

Type BST[T Ordered]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T Ordered]() *BST[T]
    • T Ordered: A type constraint that ensures the elements can be compared using < and > operators. Supported types include integers, floats, and strings.
  • Methods:

    • Insert(value T): Inserts a value into the BST.
    • Remove(value T): Removes a value from the BST.
    • Contains(value T) bool: Checks if a value exists in the BST.
    • InOrderTraversal(fn func(T)): Traverses the BST in order and applies a function to each node's value.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of nodes in the BST.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the BST is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all nodes from the BST.

Skip List

A Skip List is a probabilistic data structure that allows fast search, insertion, and deletion operations within an ordered sequence of elements. It achieves efficiency by maintaining multiple levels of linked lists, where each higher level skips over a larger number of elements, allowing operations to be performed in O(log n) average time.

Type SkipList[T Ordered]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T Ordered](maxLevel int, p float64) *SkipList[T]
    • maxLevel: The maximum level of the skip list (controls the space vs. time trade-off).
    • p: The probability factor used to determine the level of new nodes (usually set to 0.5).
  • Methods:

    • Insert(value T): Inserts a value into the skip list.
    • Delete(value T): Deletes a value from the skip list.
    • Search(value T) bool: Searches for a value in the skip list.
    • Len() int: Returns the number of elements in the skip list.
    • IsEmpty() bool: Checks if the skip list is empty.
    • Clear(): Removes all elements from the skip list.


Represents networks of nodes and edges, suitable for various algorithms like search, shortest path, and spanning trees.

Type Graph[T comparable]

  • Constructor:

    func New[T comparable](directed bool) *Graph[T]
    • directed: Specifies whether the graph is directed or undirected.
  • Methods:

    • AddNode(value T): Adds a node to the graph.
    • AddEdge(from, to T, weight float64): Adds an edge between two nodes with an optional weight.
    • RemoveNode(value T): Removes a node and all connected edges.
    • RemoveEdge(from, to T): Removes an edge between two nodes.
    • Neighbors(value T) []T: Returns adjacent nodes.
    • HasNode(value T) bool: Checks if a node exists.
    • HasEdge(from, to T) bool: Checks if an edge exists.
    • GetEdgeWeight(from, to T) (float64, bool): Retrieves the weight of the edge between two nodes.
    • Traverse(start T, visit func(T)): Traverses the graph from a starting node using Breadth-First Search.
    • Nodes() []T: Returns a slice of all node values in the graph.
    • Edges() [][2]T: Returns a slice of all edges in the graph.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.