
Simple Example WebApp for GWT and Spring Boot

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

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Table of Contents


This is an example Maven project for following frameworks:

  • User Interfaces (Client):
    • GWT
    • GWTBootstrap3 for the UI
    • RestyGWT for the RESTful access to backend services
    • GIN for Dependency Injection
    • GWT Event Binder for event bus
    • GWT Mockito for UI logic test
  • Controllers and Services (Server):
    • KissMDA
    • Spring Boot for business logic implementations
    • All the standard stuffs used by Spring Framework
  • Domains (Server):
    • KissMDA
    • JPA with Hibernate

The idea of this project is to offer a simple application template for the mentioned frameworks above. If you need a more sophisticated GWT application framework you can use following frameworks:

  • ArcBees GWT-Platform: Model-View-Presenter Framework for GWT
  • JBoss Errai Framework
  • Sencha GXT

The development is based on Maven so this project can be used with Eclipse, IntelliJ or NetBeans.


Model for Services and Domains

There are two services: UserService and PersonService and two Entities: Person and Address. Following diagram shows the structure of the services and the domains.

Service and Domain Model


Following diagram shows the architecture of the Microservice Demo. The naming of the packages client, server, shared and resource (not shown in diagram) is based on this architecture.



All the GWT (UI and REST client) classes should be located in this package. GWT transpiles all the Java sources into JavaScript sources.


In this package you can put any classes which will be used from both sides: client and server. It is advisable to put constants and endpoints of the RESTful services so that they point to the same address. Also DTO (Data Transfer Objects) for RESTful services should be included in this package. GWT transpiles this package into JavaScript sources.


All the controller, service, repository and domain classes - based on Spring Framework - should reside in this package. This package will not be included in GWT transpiler.


All the themes for GWTBootstrap3 and general Bootstrap themes like Bootswatch should be located in this package.

You can take a look the GWT configuration file to see which packages will be included in GWT transpiler.

Run the WebApp for Development

Server: Start the WebApp with Spring Boot

Just run the class DemoGwtSpringbootApplication or if you are using Spring Tool Suite just run it with Spring Boot Dashboard:

STS Spring Boot Dashboard

Tips and Tricks

  • If you are using JRebel you need to put following parameter in VM Arguments, something like:

Spring Boot with JRebel parameter

  • You also have to comment out the Spring Boot Dev Tools dependency in pom.xml.
        <!-- Use this Spring Tool for restarting the app automatically -->
		<!-- Only use this if you don't use JRebel! -->
  • To be able to generate the rebel.xml you need to compile the project with Maven profile development.

Maven compile with Profile development

Spring Boot Dev Tools

Spring Boot Dev Tools restarts the Spring Boot App automatically if your codes have changed. You have to deactivate JRebel if you want to use this tool. This Spring Boot Dev Tools dependency should be activated:

        <!-- Use this Spring Tool for restarting the app automatically -->
		<!-- Only use this if you don't use JRebel! -->

Client: Start GWT SuperDev Mode transpiler

To be able to test quickly you can use GWT SuperDev Mode. With this tool you can just recompile the changes in GWT Java codes into JavaScript codes without restarting the process.

Follow following steps:

Starting GWT SuperDev Mode

Starting GWT SuperDev Mode Compiler from command line or within the development environment with Maven:

mvn -P development process-classes gwt:run-codeserver

At the end you can see following message:

[INFO] The code server is ready at http://localhost:9876/

Bookmark Dev Mode On

Now you can go to the given address and boomark the Dev Mode On through drag and drop into your bookmark menu.

GWT SuperDev Mode

That's it. You can just push Dev Mode On to run the transpiler directly and the WebApp will be reloaded automatically.

GWT SuperDev Mode

Browser: Call the WebApp demo-gwt-springboot from a web browser

Go to the application URL with a web browser:


Heroku: Test the Webapp from Heroku

The webapp is installed at Heroku PaaS and you can test it from this address: https://demo-gwt-springboot.herokuapp.com/demogwt/demogwt.html


The GWT logging is activated (see configuration file) at both sides: Client and Server.

Server: Logging at the Spring Boot Console

GWT Server Logging

Client: Logging at the Browser Console

GWT Client Logging


Server: Debugging Spring Boot

Debugging the Spring Boot part can be achieved easily by starting the Spring Boot with Debug mode.

Client: Debugging with GWT SuperDev Mode

Debugging the GWT part should be done by using SDBG. For this purpose you need to use Google Chrome as your browser.

You need to update following file: configuration file for development

    <!-- Compiler agent - we only need to compile for one web browser in development -->
	<!-- If you want to use SDBG for debugging you need to use Chrome == safari -->
	<set-property name="user.agent" value="safari" />  

Tips and Tricks for Optimizing Transpiler Speed

There are two GWT configuration files: DemoGwtDevelopment.gwt.xml and DemoGwt.gwt.xml.

  • DemoGwtDevelopment.gwt.xml: this config will be used to make the GWT compiling process faster. This only compiles for one web browser and use INFO as logging output.
  • DemoGwt.gwt.xml: this config will be used for production transpilling. This is optimized for many many production purposes.

Unit and Integration Testing

Server: Spring Test

Examples of unit test with POJO and Mockito:

Examples of integration test with Spring and in memory database:

Client: GWT Mockito

We use GWT Mockito for writing the GWT user interface unit test. Following is an example of GWT Mockito unit test: