a header only C++ LRU Cache template class that allows you to define key, value and optionally the Map type. uses a double linked list and a std::map style container to provide fast insert, delete and update
No dependencies other than the C++ standard library. I wrote this for a personal project and have been using this for a while now.
The goal was to create a fast LRUCache header only library and to avoid any dependencies like boost.
Enjoy and drop me a line.
#include "LRUCache.hpp"
namespace lru
typedef std::string String;
void test()
lru::Cache<String, String> cache(3,0);
cache.insert("hello", "world");
cache.insert("foo", "bar");
cache.dumpDebug(std::cout<<"--> After 2 inserts"<<std::endl);
std::cout<<"checking refresh : "<<cache.get("hello")<<std::endl;
cache.dumpDebug(std::cout<<"--> After refeshing oldest key"<<std::endl);
cache.insert("hello1", "world1");
cache.insert("foo1", "bar1");
cache.dumpDebug(std::cout<<"--> After adding two more"<<std::endl);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
BSD License
Please contact author at mohaps@gmail.com
- Wikipedia Entry on LRU Caching : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithms#Least_Recently_Used