
redis-backed (in memory) db for python3 that is asyncio compatible

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


In-memory database for python3.6+ only

Build Status


From PyPi:

$ pip3 install subconscious


Let's say you have the following in your models.py file:

from enum import Enum
from subconscious.model import RedisModel
from subconscious.column import Column

class User(RedisModel):

    # This can be defined inside this class (easier imports) or elsewhere
    class Gender(Enum):
        MALE = 'male'
        FEMALE = 'female'

    uuid = Column(type=str, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(type=str, required=True)
    age = Column(index=True, type=int, sort=True, required=True)
    gender = Column(index=True, enum=Gender)
    country_code = Column(type=str, index=True)

Then somewhere you can use that model like this:

from aioredis import create_redis
from asyncio import get_event_loop
from models import User
from uuid import uuid4

loop = get_event_loop()

async def go():
    db = await create_redis(('localhost', 6379), loop=loop, encoding='utf-8')
    my_uuid = str(uuid4())
    my_user = User(
        name='John Doe',
    print('Saving user with uuid {}...'.format(my_uuid))
    await my_user.save(db)
    retrieved_user = await User.load(db, my_uuid)
    print('Retrieved {}'.format(retrieved_user.as_dict()))


Which results in:

Saving user with uuid 153d68ff-2897-4385-af0c-fea986a68d1f...
Retrieved {'age': 30, 'country_code': 'USA', 'gender': 'male', 'name': 'John Doe', 'uuid': '153d68ff-2897-4385-af0c-fea986a68d1f'}

You can also do advanced queries like this:

users = await User.filter_by(
    age=[18, 19, 20, 21, 22],

Or use an async generator like this:

[user async for user in User.all(
    order_by='age',  # you can also do '-age' for reverse sort

More Examples

See our demo app for a live example: https://github.com/paxos-bankchain/pastey


Run redis. We recommend using docker:

$  docker run -p 6379:6379 redis

(you can use -d to daemonize this process)

Install nose:

$ pip3 install nose

Confirm tests pass:

$ nosetests .


Check out repo:

$ git checkout git+https://github.com/paxos-bankchain/subconscious.git && cd subconscious

Install locally

pip3 install --editable

Make some changes and confirm that tests still pass

Updating PyPi

You must have the credentials in order to push updates to PyPi.

Do it Live

Create a .pypirc file in your home directory:

$ cat ~/.pypirc

repository = https://pypi.python.org/pypi
username = paxos
password = <password goes here>

Create a distribution:

$ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

Push your distribution to PyPi (may need to pip3 install twine first):

$ twine upload dist/* -r pypi


To test this process, you can use PyPi's test server. Add an entry to .pypirc that looks like this with whatever creds you create for testpypi:

repository = https://testpypi.python.org/pypi
username = <your user name goes here>
password = <your password goes here>

Then use the following command to push your distrobution to test PyPi:

$ twine upload dist/* -r testpypi