
Component base class to make it easy to integrate d3 into Idyll projects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Component base class to make it easy to integrate d3 into Idyll projects


npm install --save idyll-d3-component


const D3Component = require('idyll-d3-component');
const d3 = require('d3');

class CustomD3Component extends D3Component {

  initialize(node, props) {
    // node is a <div> container,
    const svg = d3.select(node).append('svg');


    // do something with the data passed in

  update(props, oldProps) {
    // ...


module.exports = CustomD3Component;

In .idl file:

[CustomD3Component data:someArrayOfData /]

In order to use this component, you need to define two methods, initialize and update.

iniatialize(node, props)

The initialize function is called only once when your component first mounts. Use this function to create any necessary DOM elements and render your component with the initially provided properties.

update(props, oldProps)

This function is called any time the props object changes. Use this function e.g. to update your component when bound data changes.


Anything you pass to your component will be available on the props object. E.g.

In .idl file:

[CustomD3Component someProperty:"abc" someOtherProperty:"xyz"  /]
class CustomD3Component extends D3Component {
  initialize(node, props) {
    // props:
    // {
    //  someProperty: "abc",
    //  someOtherProperty: "xyz"
    // }

  update(props, oldProps){/**/}

module.exports = CustomD3Component;


A css class name can be provided.

Sets the className:

[CustomD3Component className:"d3-viz" /]