
Patient Family History extraction tool

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An end-to-end system for extracting family history information from clinical notes.


PatientFM is an end-to-end hybrid solution composed of a Rule-based Engine that integrates Deep Learning approaches for entity extraction. For more documentation on how to use the system, please check the instructions provided here.


  • João F. Silva1
  • João R. Almeida12
  • Sérgio Matos1
  1. University of Aveiro, Dept. Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics (DETI / IEETA), Aveiro, Portugal
  2. University of A Coruña, Dept. of Information and Communications Technologies, A Coruña, Spain


Please cite the following, if you use PatientFM in your work:

Silva JF, Almeida JR, Matos S, Extraction of Family History Information From Clinical Notes: Deep Learning and Heuristics Approach, JMIR Med Inform 2020;8(12):e22898, URL: https://medinform.jmir.org/2020/12/e22898, DOI: 10.2196/22898, PMID: 33372893