Widgets and functions to implement hashTag decorated text.
Detects the words start with #
like a Twitter.
- As TextField
You can use HashTagTextField
to decorate input text.
decoratedStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color: Colors.blue),
basicStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color: Colors.black),
is the textStyle of tagged text. basicStyle
is for untagged text.
Other arguments are basically same as those of material TextField
- As ReadOnlyText
If you want to decorate the text only to display, HashTagText
will help you.
text: "#Welcome to #hashtager \n This is #ReadOnlyText",
decoratedStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 22,color:Colors.red),
basicStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 22,color:Colors.black),
onTap: (text) {
The argument onTap(String)
is called when user tapped a hashTag.
You can add some actions in this callback with the tapped hashTag.
- Check if the text has hashTags
print(hasHashtags("Hello #World"));
// true
print(hasHashtags("Hello World"));
// false
- Extract hashTags from text
final List<String> hashTags = extractHashTags("#Hello World #Flutter Dart #Thank you");
// ["#Hello", "#Flutter", "#Thank"]
DetectableTextField is published as a refinement of this package. hashtager forces you to use hashtag, but this one allows you to detect anything you want.
If you also want to decorate At sign, you can do that by adding the argument
decorateAtSign: true
text: "#Hello World @flutter_developers",
decoratedStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14,color:Colors.red),
basicStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14,color:Colors.black),
onTap: (text) {
decorateAtSign: true,
Then HashTagText
and HashtagTextField
come to decorate the words start with #
or @
The decoration rules are almost same as instagram.
Supported all Languages.
If you have any requests or questions, please feel free to ask on github.
Contributors: Ehsan Amiri
thanks to santa112358