An example and starting project to use the Quickies Framework.
How to run this project?
1. Install Composer
For further information please read https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md.
2. Check out this project:
Download the latest branch as ZIP File or clone it using GIT:
$ cd /path/to/your/workspace
$ git clone git://github.com/iekadou/quickies-example.git projectname && cd projectname
3. Install Packages
To install the required packages just run the following command:
$ composer install
4. Config
You need to add your MySQL Database Settings in conf/secrets.py
$secrets['db_host'] = "localhost";
$secrets['db_name'] = "example";
$secrets['db_user'] = "secret";
$secrets['db_pass'] = "secret";
Additionally you may want to adjust conf/webapp.php
5. Run Quicky
To run database migrations and install them into the database just run the following commands:
$ php quicky makemigrations
$ php quicky migrate
Now the Project should be available.