
An example and starting project to use the Quickies Framework

Primary LanguageHTML


An example and starting project to use the Quickies Framework.

How to run this project?

1. Install Composer

For further information please read https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md.

2. Check out this project:

Download the latest branch as ZIP File or clone it using GIT:

$ cd /path/to/your/workspace
$ git clone git://github.com/iekadou/quickies-example.git projectname && cd projectname

3. Install Packages

To install the required packages just run the following command:

$ composer install

4. Config

You need to add your MySQL Database Settings in conf/secrets.py:

    $secrets['db_host'] = "localhost";
    $secrets['db_name'] = "example";
    $secrets['db_user'] = "secret";
    $secrets['db_pass'] = "secret";

Additionally you may want to adjust conf/webapp.php.

5. Run Quicky

To run database migrations and install them into the database just run the following commands:

$ php quicky makemigrations
$ php quicky migrate

Now the Project should be available.