fast_os_simulator 💻

A semester Project created while studying at fast nuces cfd.

Hi, so i was given a task to create a mini Operating system as a semester project while stuyding Operating Systems Course at FAST-NUCES. Following are some of the features.

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. In this project I designed a simulation of operating system. The simulation was made using and following all concepts studied in OS course. Key features the operating system have:

  • operating system had a name of its own ("FAST OS") that is displayed on starting the program as a splash screen.
  • The RAM hard drive and the number of cores will be given by the user while starting the OS.
  • The resources are managed in operating system RAM Hard drive and cores are kept in mind while making new processes or threads.
  • Following are basic tasks my operating system can perform Notepad (writing into file with auto save function), Calculator, Time, Creating a file, Move, Copy, Delete file, Check file info, Minigames(tic tac toe etc)
  • There are 12 tasks in your operating system
  • Each task is in its own separate code file and it makes a new process while execution simple function calling is not used. Once a process is created it sends the creating process message that will contain memory required in Hard drive and RAM if available then the process will reply granted else the process should be terminated.
  • Each process will have its own terminal so the output is not messed up.
  • Multi-tasking is enabled in my operating system. (FCFS is used for Scheduling)
  • User can also manually create an interruption to stop the specific task or minimize it. (Named Pipes are used for such communication)
  • Each task should has a button to close the task in between so to make a simulation of interrupt.
  • coIf you have any query you can freely ask me at I will be happy to help you. ♥️