
A short assignment app, which allows to search text from files via GUI interface using windows form C++

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Hi, So i was given a task in an assignment to make a GUI app using windows form C++ which searches string from given data files(attached in repo research.txt files). I completed this task and made a minimilistic UI. I've Implemented following string matching algorithms.

  • Brute Force Algorithm
  • Rabin Karp Algorithm
  • KMP Algorithm

I've implmeneted each and every algorithm in a simpler way. You can have a look at code for educational purposes but not with the intensions of plagiarism. MyForm.h contains all the logic and implementation of the string matching algorithms. Also i am writing the complete question below which was asked in assignment for learning purpose.

If You find any bug or you have any question you can mail me at iem.saad@hotmail.com, i will be happy to help you ♥️


Menu base GUI Application is the requirement. Implement Brute Force, RK and KMP algorithm for String Matching. Details are: Create a word search program. Where user can search a specific word or sequence of words from the given list of files (Attached). It should work as (GUI Application)


  • Program must find the position of search word or sequence of words from given files and return name of file, row number and column number.

  • Match whole word only [Unchecked]
    a. Program should return Pakistan, adampak, abnopakis, and pak against ‘pak’ searched word because ‘pak’ is present in all of them. The length of return word and search word may differ.

  • Match whole word only [Checked]
    a. Program should return only pak against ‘pak’ searched word. The length of return word and search word should be same.

  • Match case [Unchecked]
    a. Program should return Bilal, bilaL, bIlaL against ‘bilal’. The upper and lower case should not be checked

  • Match case [Checked]
    a. Program should only return bilal against bilal and BilaL against BilaL. The upper and lower case should be checked against each character.

some running snapshots ⏬

brute-force kmp rabin-karp