Fitness Tracker GitHub license

Live Site


This application is a full-stack application designed as a fitness logger that utilizes MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and Node. The user can add or complete a workout to be added to the database. Users can also view their past workouts which are rendered immediately based on the up-to-date charts. MVC design pattern was followed.

Table of Contents


In order to install this project, you must login to GitHub and go to Once there you will click on the green button that says clone or download. You will be given choices on how to download: using the ssh/html key or downloading the zip file.

Using SSH/HTML Key: You will copy the link shown and open up either terminal (mac: pre-installed) or gitbash (pc: must be installed). Once the application is open, you will type git clone paste url here. Once you have cloned the fitness-tracker repo, cd into the repo and type "open ." to open the folder which contains all files used for the website. You can also type "code ." to open the repo in VS code.

Using Download ZIP: Click on Download Zip. Locate the file and double click it to unzip the file. Locate the unzipped folder and and open it. All the files for the website will be within this folder.


Simply click on the live link listed above and use the website as normal. Type in the form and click submit to create your own workout. Click on the Dashboard button to view interactive charts. Charts will change according to what workouts are removed.


Copyright (c) [2020][inezescandon] The license is MIT License. Read more about it at


Worked with my tutor Ivan Popov and my TA Brandon Gatlin.


No tests available.


If you have any additional questions please contact me at GitHub: