
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Our app will render all of our to-do list and will allow for us to add and remove from that list as well. We will also be adding these to-dos to local storage so our data persists on page reload.

What we will be reviewing as we create our To Do app in this office hours:

  • Using variables
  • Using loops and conditional (if/else) statements
  • Declaring and using functions
  • Traversing the DOM/Modifying HTML via JS/Creating HTML via JS
  • Click and submit events
  • Local storage
  • Using data-attributes

BONUS: Try playing with this API and see if you can render todos from here instead https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos. This will give you more practice with fetch, objects, and APIs! This may not allow you to add your own todo but you can play with conditional rendering depending on whether the todo is complete or not. You can have it display in 2 different columns depending on whether its complete or not.