This repository is created to save style packages for PDF output and webhelp output. These styles are created through Oxygen Style Basket: Packages are saved in
Current workitems
How to Customize Style with Oxygen
- Go to
- Configure each attribute.
- Click See Results to preview the effect in PDF or Webhelp.
- Download the style package: Download > Publishing Template.
How to Apply the Style to Oxygen
In Oxygen XML Editor, you need to select a transformation scenario before publishing a book in a certain format. The most frequently used format in IES DOCS is PDF. So the following instruction takes customizing PDF transformation as an example.
- Open oXygen XML Editor v23.1.
- Select DITA Maps > Configure Transformation Scenarios.
- Select DITA Map PDF - based on HTML5 & CSS.
- Click Edit.
- Click Yes to duplicate and edit the scenario.
- Specify the name of this custom transformation scenario in the Edit Scenario window.
- Click Choose Custom Publishing Template.
- Browse for a publishing template from local folder.
- Click OK.
- Click OK to save the settings.
How to Generate PDF Using a Custom Transformation Scenario
A4 Landscape: 3508 X 2480
Forest Green
rgb(4,65,35) HEX=044123.
rgb(3,181,133) HEX=03B585.
rgb(13,13,13) HEX=0D0D0D.
BlackgroundAccentColor/TableStripe Color
rgb(230,255,250) HEX=E6FFFA
Style Design Tools
Authoring Tools
- If you are authoring in DITA, try oXygen XML editor. The latest version is 23.1.
- If you are working in Markdown, you have various options, for example, notepad, visual studio code, atom, notepad++, github desktop, gitkraken, oxygen, or web editor embedded in Github, that is, here.
- If you are working on image processing, Adobe Illustrator.
- Currently, I'm testing the The oXygen XML Web Author.
Source File Management Tool
- In the current test, I use Gitkraken. See
- Github Desktop is also convenient to use as a tool but it lacks support to AzDo.
- oXygen 23.1 supports Git Staging too.
Background Generator
RGB2HEX Color Convertor
Installation and Configuration
Note that since most of the tests were done in Gitlab, so the majority part of the content in the ppt above are mainly for Gitlab users. But the steps in Gitkraken is roughtly the same, just replace Gitlab with Github. Of course, the ppt will be updated soon.
Output Generation
- If you are working with lwDITA + Markdown, or, MDITA, open a ditamap or a topic and generate the output from oXygen XML Editor.
- If you are working with pure Markdown, the Preview mode in almost every editor allows you to check the actual effect. Be careful with the Markdown syntax. See: and
Tables in Markdwon
Table creation and maintenance could be annoying even after months of experience with MD. There are some handy tools you can use to speed up the table creation or modification, aka. Table Generator. See and