
Scripts for pre-processing the CoNLL-2012 dataset for syntactic dependency parsing.

Primary LanguageShell


Scripts for pre-processing the CoNLL-2012 dataset for syntactic dependency parsing.

These scripts attempt to replicate the pre-processing of the CoNLL-2012 subset of the OntoNotes corpus described in the paper It Depends: Dependency Parser Comparison Using A Web-based Evaluation Tool.

Specifically, they use ClearNLP to (1) convert the constituency parses to dependency structure (w/ head rules described here and (2) assign automatic part-of-speech tags.

The scripts assume you have already extracted the CoNLL-2012 split from the OntoNotes corpus, as described here.

Note that these scripts do not remove length-1 sentences, as was done in the paper cited above. We leave you to do that if you choose.


  • I ran these with Java 8

Currently these scripts write to the /path/to/conll-2012 directories below. Happy to accept patches that will write files to somewhere else.

Download ClearNLP


Do the pre-processing

./bin/preprocess_conll2012.sh /path/to/conll-2012/dev
./bin/preprocess_conll2012.sh /path/to/conll-2012/test
./bin/preprocess_conll2012.sh /path/to/conll-2012/train

Combine into single files

for f in `find /path/to/conll-2012/train -type f -name "*\.parse\.dep\.combined"`; do cat $f >> conll2012-train.txt; done
for f in `find /path/to/conll-2012/dev -type f -name "*\.parse\.dep\.combined"`; do cat $f >> conll2012-dev.txt; done
for f in `find /path/to/conll-2012/test -type f -name "*\.parse\.dep\.combined"`; do cat $f >> conll2012-test.txt; done

Convert segments to BILOU encoding

./bin/convert-bilou.sh /path/to/file

Extracting props

This is useful for producing the gold file expected for srl-eval.pl

python bin/extract_conll_prop_file.py --input_file /path/to/conll2012-test.txt --word_field 3 --first_prop_field 14 --pred_field 9 --pred_field_offset 1 --no_take_last

File format

TODO describe

nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       0       For     IN      IN      7       prep    _       -       -       -       -       *       (ARGM-TMP*      -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       1       all     DT      DT      1       pobj    _       -       -       -       -       *       *       (0)
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       2       of      IN      IN      2       prep    _       -       -       -       -       *       *       (0
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       3       1988    CD      CD      3       pobj    _       -       -       -       -       (DATE)  *)      (0)|0)
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       4       ,       ,       ,       7       punct   _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       5       Dassault        NNP     NNP     7       dep     _       -       -       -       -       (ORG)   (ARG0*) (1)
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       6       had     VBD     VBD     0       root    _       have    03      1       -       *       (V*)    -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       7       group   NN      NN      9       compound        _       group   -       -       -       *       (ARG1*  (1)
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       8       profit  NN      NN      7       dobj    _       profit  -       1       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       9       of      IN      IN      9       prep    _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       10      428     CD      CD      12      compound        _       -       -       -       -       (MONEY* *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       11      million CD      CD      13      nummod  _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       12      francs  NNS     NNS     10      pobj    _       -       -       -       -       *)      *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       13      on      IN      IN      9       prep    _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       14      revenue NN      NN      14      pobj    _       revenue -       1       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       15      of      IN      IN      15      prep    _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       16      18.819  CD      CD      18      compound        _       -       -       -       -       (MONEY* *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       17      billion CD      CD      19      nummod  _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       18      francs  NNS     NNS     16      pobj    _       -       -       -       -       *)      *)      -
nw/wsj/24/wsj_2437      0       19      .       .       .       7       punct   _       -       -       -       -       *       *       -