- adrian9631Leuven
- AnnyLiaoTaipei, Taiwan
- BinLiang-NLPThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- canyuchenIllinois Institute of Technology
- chengjialiBoston
- cin-hubertDa Nang, Vietnam
- cnunlp
- CodeHan
- eddieee7
- eddy60506
- EmanuelaBorosLausanne, Switzerland
- EthanPhan
- fly51flyPRIS
- gaoyi-byte
- gghhoosstt
- gxhrid
- hiyamghAmerican University of Beirut
- huyberyAlibaba Qwen Team
- iamjanvijayGeorgia Tech
- ji1kangSungkyunkwan University @DSAIL-SKKU
- jiaweixian
- LYF915NanChang University;TianJin University
- Murplugg
- nhhoang96University of Illinois,Chicago
- rajarshdUniversity of Washington
- rxlianUniversity of Wisconsin Madison
- saroyehun
- senemaktasEarth
- sherlock1987University of Southern California
- SivilTaramResearcher @ TikTok
- threefoldo
- wutong8023Southeast University; Monash University
- xpxpxChina
- xuegsh
- zyDotwei