Relation Extraction with Sentence level / Document level, direct supervision / distant supervision on TACRED / FewRel / CTD + PubMed

Create a new conda enviroment:

conda create -n <ENV_NAME> python=3.7

After cloning the repo, you can install all required dependencies by running the following in the root directory:

make install

Modify proper enviroment variables:

vim set_environment

Run the following command before training / testing:


Then setup your wandb environment:

wandb init

An example of training on a slurm server:

srun --gres=gpu:1 --mem=25GB --partition=1080ti-long python src/ --data_path data/tacred/ --multi_class --partial_annotation --encoder_type bert-large-cased --score_func nn --learning_rate 1e-5 --max_text_length=128 --train_batch_size=2 --test_batch_size 16 --warmup 0.3 --dim=1024 --wandb