Once OFBiz merges the changes in PR apache/ofbiz-framework#678 . We should be able to use parts of OFBiz to build compatible apps and services.
This repo is an example on how you could do that from Java and Clojure.
For convenience the repo contains pre-built libraries from the branch in the PR above.
If you like to build them locally, clone and publish:
git clone https://github.com/ieugen/ofbiz-framework.git
cd ofbiz-framework
./gradlew clean build -xtest publishToMavenLocal -Pversion=22.01.10
This is how to run the code to see results:
# Run the main class 'MyCryptExample' via gradle
./gradlew -q run
Encrypted password is{PBKDF2-SHA256}10000$Wy0yNCwgLTEwLCAxMDAsIC0xNSwgLTg3LCAyMCwgNTgsIC0xMDAsIC05MSwgLTUwLCAxMTQsIDc1
/gradlew -q run --args="my-new-pass"
Encrypt password my-new-pass
Encrypted password is{PBKDF2-SHA256}10000$WzEsIDExMiwgLTEzLCAtNzYsIC0xMjIsIC0xMTMsIC0xMjIsIC00NSwgMTIxLCA3LCA1MywgLTE3
(ns ofbiz-tooling
(:import (org.apache.ofbiz.base.crypto HashCrypt)))
;; => "SHA"
(HashCrypt/pbkdf2HashCrypt "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256" "" "s3cret-pa$$word")