
All Manuals for IPTM Projects.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

IPTM_MyManual v1.1

All Manuals for IPTM Projects. Use Notepad++ to open these manuals. Download Here: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Before setup anything, please read this important information about IPTM TestNet 2020: https://github.com/iexplotech/IPTM_MyManual/blob/master/Introduction_To_IPTM_TestNet_2020_(IPTM_Sealer_or_Normal_Node).pdf

To join IPTM Testnet network, You must setup as follows:
2.0 Setup IPTM Normal Node
3.0 Setup IPTM Bootnodes Client

*1.0 Setup IPTM Sealer Node is limited to registered IPTM members (Universities in Malaysia)

1.0 Setup IPTM Sealer Node

Privileged Node! Only for Write Ledger in IPTM Testnet. Not for other purposes!

Windows 10, Refer this manual: my_manual_iptm_sealer_node_2020_windows.txt

  • Not recomended to run a Sealer Node in Windows OS!

Linux, Refer this manual: my_manual_iptm_sealer_node_2020_linux.txt

  • Strongly recomended!

2.0 Setup IPTM Normal Node

For IPTM Network Transactions, Blockchain Transactions, Smartcontract Transactions etc.

Setup this local node in your laptop or desktop. Then use this node to access blockchain network. Never use the IPTM Sealer Node!

Windows 10, Refer this manual: my_manual_iptm_normal_node_2020_windows.txt

Linux, Refer this manual: my_manual_iptm_normal_node_2020_linux .txt

3.0 Setup IPTM Bootnodes Client

For IPTM Network Transactions, Blockchain Transactions, Smartcontract Transactions etc.

View IPTM Bootnodes Deskboard: http://iptmbootnodes.iexplotech.com/index.html
You must setup Bootnodes Client to for your IPTM Sealer and Normal Nodes.
If not running IPTM Bootnodes Client, your geth always at block 0 because not connected to other IPTM peers.

Windows 10, Refer this manual: my_manual_bootnodes_client_iptm2020_windows.txt

Please install nodejs v10.x.x for windows. This version support for truffle tools. https://nodejs.org/dist/v10.21.0/node-v10.21.0-x64.msi

Linux, Refer this manual: my_manual_bootnodes_client_iptm2020_linux.txt

  • included manual for bootnodes server

4.0 Setup Cloud VM, Remote SSH Account and Terminal Screen for IPTM Node

Linux, Refer these manuals:

Refer this snapshot before setup Google cloud vm




  • Only for remote Linux or Cloud VM.

5.0 IPTM Blockscout Deskboard

Deskboard for Blockchain Transactions, Smartcontract Transactions etc.


6.0 IPTM Discussion Group (Discord)

Question, Sugestion or Bug Report

We discuss at Discord: https://discord.gg/XSatKD.