This repo is meant as a template which you can use to create a Discord bot very easily using the Discordeno library.
- Deno
- Create your own repo using the template button. It is next to the button where you get the url to clone. It will say
Use this template
This is a template repo. - Clone your own repo that Github created for you.
git clone url-here-for-your-repo
- Create your
file in the main folder.
// Step 1: Remove the `.example` from this file name so it is called `configs.ts`
// Step 2: Add all your bot's information below. The only required one is token and prefix. NOTE: As long as `.gitignore` file is ignoring configs.ts your configurations will be kept private!
// Step 3: Remove these comments if you like.
export const configs = {
// Your bot token goes here
token: "",
// The default prefix for your bot. Don't worry guilds can change this later.
prefix: "!",
// This isn't required but you can add bot list api keys here.
botListTokens: {
// This is the server id for your bot's main server where users can get help/support
supportServerID: "",
// These are channel ids that will enable some functionality
channelIDs: {
// When a translation is missing this is the channel you will be alerted in.
missingTranslation: "",
// When an error occurs, we will try and log it to this channel
errorChannelID: "",
// These are the role ids that will enable some functionality.
roleIDs: {
// If you have a patreon set up you can add the patreon vip role id here.
patreonVIPRoleID: "",
// These are the user ids that will enable some functionality.
userIDs: {
// You can delete the `as string[]` when you add atleast 1 id in them.
// The user ids for the support team
botSupporters: [] as string[],
// The user ids for the other devs on your team
botDevs: [] as string[],
// The user ids who have complete 100% access to your bot
botOwners: [] as string[],
- Start the bot
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --quiet mod.ts
Note: To run the bot with PM2
: pm2 start mod.ts --interpreter="deno" --interpreter-args="run --allow-net --allow-read --quiet -r"
The -r
is short for --reload
, it reloads your deno cache whenever the bot restarts to get the latest and greatest changes to Discordeno. You don't have to include it.
Don't worry a lot of developers start out coding their first projects as a Discord bot(I did 😉) and it is not so easy. With Discordeno, I tried to build it in a way that solved all the headaches I had when first starting out coding bots. If you are a beginner developer, please use this boilerplate.
Modular commands, arguments, events, inhibitors, monitors, tasks.
- Clean and powerful commands system
- Powerful argument handling including validating, parsing and modifications.
- Easily create custom arguments for your specific needs.
- Command aliases.
- Cooldowns and allowed uses before cooldown triggers.
- Author and bot permission checks in server AND in channel!
- Clean and powerful events system
- Simple functions that are called when an event occurs.
- Easily reloadable!
- No possible memory leaks due to incorrect EventEmitter usage!
- Useful events available to help debug!
- Clean and powerful inhibitors system
- Stops a command from running if a requirement fails.
- Easily add custom inhibitors!
- Clean and powerful monitors system.
- Runs a function on every message sent. Useful for stuff like auto-moderation or tags.
- Easily ignore bots, users, edits, dms.
- Powerful permission checks.
- Clean and powerful tasks system.
- Runs a function at a certain interval. Useful for things like unmute and updating bot lists etc.
- Can be used for cache sweeping to keep your cache optimized for exactly what you want.
- Botlists code already made for most botlists. Just add your api tokens for each site and magic!
- Clean and powerful languages system.
- Built in multi-lingual support.
- Uses i18next, one of the best localization tools available.
- Supports nested folders to keep cleaner translation files
Hot Reloadable
- Easily update your code without having to restart the bot everytime.
Step By Step Guide
- There is a step by step walkthrough to learn how to create Discord bots with Discordeno on our website!