
Udacity Full Stack Nano-Degree Project - Logs Analysis

Primary LanguagePython

Logs Analysis Project

Logs Analysis Project, part of the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree.

By Ibrahim Farrag

Project Requirements

The project is a reporting tool that uses information from a database containing newspaper articles and the web server log for a website. The reporting tool should answer the following questions:

  1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?
  2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
  3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?

Rquired Libraries and Dependencies

The project code requires the following software:

  • Python
  • psycopg2
  • PostgreSQL
  • Linux-based virtual machine (VM) Vagrant

Project contents

  • news_logs_analysis.py - The Python program that connects to the PostgreSQL database, executes the SQL queries and displays the results.
  • README.md - This read me file.
  • new_logs_output.txt - The text output of the news_logs_analysis.py

System setup and how to view this project

This project makes use of [Udacity's Linux-based virtual machine (VM)] configuration which includes all of the necessary software to run the application.

  1. Download Vagrant and install.
  2. Download Virtual Box and install.
  3. Download the fsnd-virtual-machine.zip and extract to a directory or your choice.
  4. Download the newsdata.sql (extract from newsdata.zip (not provided here though)) and news_logs_analysis.py files from the respository and move them to your vagrant directory within your VM.

Run these commands from the terminal in the folder where your vagrant is installed in:

  1. vagrant up to start up the VM.
  2. vagrant ssh to log into the VM.
  3. cd /vagrant to change to your vagrant directory.
  4. psql -d news -f newsdata.sql to load the data and create the tables.
  5. Run the two CREATE VIEW commands below.
  6. python news_logs_analysis.py to run the reporting tool.

Views used


This view is used to only show the dates and the total number of requests to the website (good or bad) done on that day

CREATE VIEW total_request AS SELECT time::date AS day, count(*) AS total_req
                FROM log
                GROUP BY time::date
                ORDER BY time::date desc;


This view is used to only show the dates and the total number of bad or requests to the website done on that day

CREATE VIEW failed_request AS SELECT time::date AS day, count(*) AS num_failed_req
                FROM log WHERE status not LIKE '%200%'
                GROUP BY day
                ORDER BY day;

Helpful Resources