Udacity Items Catalog

The items catalog is the 2nd Project in Udacity's Fullstack Nanodegree.


  • You can signup/signin and create your own favourite movies catalog by creating categories and sub-items inside those categories.
  • Only you has the access to modify your list or categories, so don't worry!
  • You must login or signup to be able to create categories or items, Otherwise you can only view the existing items.

Tools Needed:

Items Catalog uses a number of tools to work properly:


  1. Install all the above tools.

  2. Install all modules needed for the project using command line:

pip  install  -r  requirements.txt
  1. Clone this repo by going to your desired location
  • Right click anywhere and choose Git bash here , Then use the following console commands
$ git clone https://github.com/ifaraag/udacity_items_catalog.git
  1. Launch Vagrant with the following commands:
$ vagrant up


$ vagrant ssh
  1. Change directory to Vagrant folder
$ cd /vagrant
  1. Setup the database
$ Python database_setup.py
  1. Populate the database with some data
$ Python lotsofmenus.py
  1. Launch main project file:
$ Python project.py
  1. Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5000

JSON Endpoints

Returns JSON format of all items and categories together


Returns JSON format of all categories


Returns JSON format of all items


Returns JSON format of the all items inside specific category


Return JSON format of the a single item inside a category

