A RESTful API for a simple application where football/soccer fans will create fantasy teams and will be able to sell or buy players.
The documentation for the API can be found here
The following depencies are required by the app during developmment
- eslint - A javascript syntax highlighter used to highlight code error and encourage convention
- express - Web server for this application
- json-loader - Enables the app to inport json files.
- lodash - Used to perform filter on objects
- pg, pg-hstore, sequelize - Used to create database models and for performing database operations
- validator - Used to validate user input during server request
Before you install the app locally, ensures you have NodeJS and PostgreSQL installed on your computer.
Navigate to a directory of choice on
Clone this repository on that directory.
Using SSH,
git clone git@git.toptal.com:screening/Itunu-Fatoki.git
and https,
git clone https://git.toptal.com/screening/Itunu-Fatoki
Navigate into project directory by running
cd Itunu-Fatoki
npm install
to install project dependencies -
Start the app by running
npm run dev
Contributors are welcome to further enhance the features of this API by contributing to its development. The following guidelines should guide you in contributing to this project:
- Fork this repository to your own account.
- Download/Clone a forked copy of tthe repository to your local machine.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b new-branch-name
. - Install the dependencies using
npm install
. - Run
npm install
to install project dependencies - To run application unit tests:
npm test
. - Work on a new feature and push to your remote branch:
git push origin your-branch-name
- Raise a pull request to the staging branch of this repo.
- This project uses javascript ES6 and follows the airbnb style-guide: https://github.com/airbnb/javascript