
Website: https://bcrypt-encryption-fr.onrender.com

  • Level 1 security: match the password stored in the database

  • Level 2 security: Mongoose encryption (AES encryption)

  • Level 3 security: md5 Hash Encryption

    1. hash = md5(password)
    2. hash = md5(password + salt)
    • Problem: fast decryption (20B MD5 Hashes/s)
  • Level 4 security: bcrypt Hash Encryption

    1. hash = password + hash salting rounds
    • Benefit: slow decryption (17K bcrypt Hashes/s)


  • Hash Table
  • Dictionary Attack/ Password Attack
  • SQL Injection
  • Phishing Attack
  • Malware Attack
  • Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  • DoS Attack (Denial-of-Service Attack)


  1. Only match password
  2. AES encryption (mongoose-encryption)
  3. md5 Hash Encryption + salt
  4. bcrypt Hash Encryption + salt rounds