42: the answer to life,the universe and everything~ buildandrun: make -C project/none+x64+linux+cli && ./a.out term /dev/ttyS0 or make -C project/none+x64+win+glfw && ./a.out datafile/myml/window/item-skygndrab.myml or cd project/efios+x64+bare+fb && make && cp BOOTX64.EFI /some/where/efi/boot/ or cd project/pifw+pi64+bare+fb && make rpi3b ...... explain: libboot0: at least i can debug: uart/jtag/framebuffer... libboot1: 20%: i have some idea! -------- libhard0: make most hardware work: pcie/usb/net/sound/video... libhard1: 40%: prepare all i have or accessable! -------- libsoft0: soft core: lock/process/vfs... libsoft1: 60%: barely working, make whole thing organized! -------- libuser0: user interface: mic/cam/spk/wnd/stdio/joystick libuser1: 80%: fully working, to do it better! architect: |===========================================================================| | . . ?"~r*~!~s%q,+_W@ /\ / \ / \ | | . . "r5%)(*r((^)-=,b /\/\ / \ \ | \ \ | | . . ..%^!G0%d^1w^^%( /\/\/\ | / / / \ | | | . . ,,^*^%/L;!:u``d) /\/\/\/\ \ \ \ / / | | . . ,.// \\(i /\/\/\/\/\ \ \ | \ / | | . birth . => ^*|| messy ||n^ => /\/clean \/\ => \ pretty / | | stage. => )@|| stage ||%| => \/\stage /\/ => | stage | | | . *%\\ //\) \/\/\/\/\/ | | | | . ^..%*g%ax^*(|}~z \/\/\/\/ | | | | v@.^[ci*Eie%:"~@ \/\/\/ | | | | . }]|}(%f%^m**>{j* \/\/ | | | | *t:}!@:h%^y^|h'^ \/ | | | |====|========|=========|========|=========|========|=========|========|====| | / \ / \ / \ / \ | | / libboot0 \ / libhard0 \ / lbsoft0 \ / libuser0 \ | | / / | \ \ / / | \ \ / / | \ \ / / | \ \ | |/ bios efi uboot \ / arm x86 mips \ / linux mac win \ /cam wnd mic spk \| |==================|==================|==================|==================|