
Android port of KA Lite (an offline version of Khan Academy), encapsulating the Django project.

Primary LanguagePython


Android port of KA Lite (an offline version of Khan Academy), encapsulating the Django project.

Version info

This version is only for testing. Kivy and Python for Android is used to build Python powered apk.

Build Requirements

See Python for Android prerequisites.

Installed Python, Git, Apache Ant, Android SDK, and Android NDK are definitely needed.


To build the apk, run the ant with the folowing properties:

  • android-sdk - Path to the Android SDK (will ask if not set)
  • android-ndk - Path to the Android NDK (will ask if not set)
  • android-api - Android API version (default is 14)
  • android-ndkver - Android NDK version (default is r8c)

Command could look like this:

ant -Dandroid-sdk=/path/to/android/sdk -Dandroid-ndk=/path/to/android/ndk -Dandroid-api=14 -Dandroid-ndkver=r8c


Crashes can be observed with adb logcat.

Kivy logs are stored in /mnt/sdcard/org.kalite.test/.kivy/logs directory.

Run without building

To run ka-lite-android without building Android application:

  • install Kivy (see Kivy installation)
  • prepare KA Lite: ant ka-lite
  • launch ka-lite-android/main.py