
scripts for windows to: generate list of executables from visual studio symbol cache, download symbols

Primary LanguagePython

I wanted offline versions of the symbols for Visual Studio 2022.

The scripts assume that

  1. symchk is installed at the default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\symchk.exe)
  2. The SYMSTORE_PATH environment variable is set to the path of the symbol store, i.e. one managed by visual studio.
  3. The SYMCACHE_PATH environment variable is set to the path of the symcache folder, for unmanaged symbols.


This script will search for all executables matching the symbol files in the symcache folder, then write the results to a file.


python3 symcache2executables.py <path to symcache folder> --output <output file> OR set the SYMBOL_CACHE environment variable to the path of the symcache folder and run the script without any arguments.


This script utilises the symchk tool to download the symbols to SYMBOL_CACHE for a given executable.


.\symboldl.ps1 <path to executable>

or, for iterating through executables.txt

ForEach ($exe in Get-Content .\executables.txt) { .\symboldl.ps1 $exe }