This role will deploy Restic backup client in S3 using Ansible
Message that role ran will be sent to Slack as will status of backups.
Failure will also be sent via email
You must have Ansible 2.0 installed.
You need a Slack server
CentOS 6 or 7
AWS S3 Account
To run the role
ansible-playbook restic.yml -e hosts=host --sudo -K --ask-vault-pass
The role will by default backup all filesystems on a server only excluding those as defined in var restic_exclude.
I handle this using the following example in group_vars/all:
- /dev
- /media
- /mnt
- /nfs
- /proc
- /run
- /sys
- /cgroup
- /tmp
- /var/tmp
- /media
- /lost+found
- /srv
- /selinux
- /homes*/*.cache
- /home/*/.cache
- /home/.cache
- /home/*/.local
- /home/*/.gvfs
- /gpfs
You must configure lifecycle policies in AWS which only migrate the "data" folder to Glacier otherwise restic will stop working.
You should be encrypting vars.yml using ansible-vault.