
Lean and mean Javascript implementation of the JSON-Patch standard. Update JSON documents using delta patches.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A leaner and meaner implementation of JSON-Patch. Small footprint. High performance. Also support dual directions! I.e. you can both apply patches and generate patches.

Why you should use JSON-Patch

JSON-Patch (RFC6902) is a standard format that allows you to update a JSON document by sending the changes rather than the whole document. JSON Patch plays well with the HTTP PATCH verb (method) and REST style programming.

Mark Nottingham has a nice blog about it.


0.5 KB minified and gzipped (1.1 KB minified)




  • Allows you to apply patches on object trees for incoming traffic.
  • Allows you to freely manipulate object trees and then generate patches for outgoing traffic.
  • ES6/7 Object.observe() is used when available.
  • Tested in IE 8-10, Firefox, Chrome and Node.js


  • A /bin directory will be added with minified versions
  • More unit tests


Install the current version (and save it as a dependency):


$ npm install fast-json-patch --save


$ bower install fast-json-patch --save

download as ZIP

Adding to your project

In a web browser

Include json-patch.js if you want support for applying patches or include json-patch-duplex.js if you also want to generate patches.

In Node.js

Call require to get the instance:

var jsonpatch = require('fast-json-patch')

💡 Node.js supports native Object.observe in preview release 0.11.x (and only when started with --harmony_observation flag). With stable versions of Node, a shimmed version of Object.observe is used.


Applying patches:

var myobj = { firstName:"Albert", contactDetails: { phoneNumbers: [ ] } };
var patches = [
   {op:"replace", path:"/firstName", value:"Joachim" },
   {op:"add", path:"/lastName", value:"Wester" },
   {op:"add", path:"/contactDetails/phoneNumbers/0", value:{ number:"555-123" }  }
jsonpatch.apply( myobj, patches );
// myobj == { firstName:"Joachim", lastName:"Wester", contactDetails:{ phoneNumbers[ {number:"555-123"} ] } };

Generating patches:

var myobj = { firstName:"Joachim", lastName:"Wester", contactDetails: { phoneNumbers: [ { number:"555-123" }] } };
observer = jsonpatch.observe( myobj );
myobj.firstName = "Albert";
myobj.contactDetails.phoneNumbers[0].number = "123";
var patches = jsonpatch.generate(observer);
// patches  == [
//   { op:"replace", path="/firstName", value:"Albert"},
//   { op:"replace", path="/contactDetails/phoneNumbers/0/number", value:"123"},
//   { op:"add", path="/contactDetails/phoneNumbers/1", value:{number:"456"}}];

Comparing two object trees:

var objA = {user: {firstName: "Albert", lastName: "Einstein"}};
var objB = {user: {firstName: "Albert", lastName: "Collins"}};
var diff = jsonpatch.compare(objA, objB));
//diff == [{op: "replace", path: "/user/lastName", value: "Collins"}]


In a web browser

  1. Testing json-patch.js
  • Load src/patchtest.html in your web browser
  1. Testing json-patch-duplex.js
  • Load src/test-duplex.html in your web browser

Each of the test suite files contains Jasmine unit test suite and JSLitmus performance test suite.

To run JSLitmus performance tests, press "Run Tests" button.

In Node.js

  1. Go to directory where you have cloned the repo
  2. Install Jasmine Node.js module by running command npm install jasmine-node -g
  3. Testing json-patch.js
  • Run command jasmine-node --matchall --config duplex no src/test.js
  1. Testing json-patch-duplex.js
  • Run command jasmine-node --matchall --config duplex yes src/test.js src/test-duplex.js


jsonpatch.apply (obj Object, patches Array) : boolean

Available in json-patch.js and json-patch-duplex.js

Applies patches array on obj.

If patch was succesfully applied, returns true. Otherwise returns false.

If there was a test patch in patches array, returns the result of the test.

If there was more than one patch in the array, the result of the last patch is returned.

jsonpatch.observe (obj Object, callback Function (optional)) : observer Object

Available in json-patch-duplex.js

Sets up an deep observer on obj that listens for changes in object tree. When changes are detected, the optional callback is called with the generated patches array as the parameter.

Returns observer.

jsonpatch.generate (obj Object, observer Object) : patches Array

Available in json-patch-duplex.js

If there are pending changes in obj, returns them synchronously. If a callback was defined in observe method, it will be triggered synchronously as well.

If there are no pending changes in obj, returns an empty array.

jsonpatch.unobserve (obj Object, observer Object) : void

Available in json-patch-duplex.js

Destroys the observer set up on obj.

Any remaining changes are delivered synchronously (as in jsonpatch.generate). Note: this is different that ES6/7 Object.unobserve, which delivers remaining changes asynchronously.

jsonpatch.compare (obj1 Object, obj2 Object) : patches Array

Available in json-patch-duplex.js

Compares object trees obj1 and obj2 and returns the difference relative to obj1 as a patches array.

If there are no differences, returns an empty array.


0.3.10 (Aug 21, 2014)


  • test operation failed of test if properties in two were ordered differently (#39)
  • implement add, replace, test, move, copy operation on object root (#40, #45)

Upgraded test suite to use Benchmark.js instead of JSLitmus

0.3.9 (Aug 4, 2014)


  • expose method jsonpatch.compare for comparing two object trees

0.3.8 (Jul 18, 2014)


  • minified build now available in dist/ directory (#9)

0.3.7 (May 5, 2014)


  • add a new method compare (#24)

0.3.6 (Nov 14, 2013)


0.3.5 (Oct 28, 2013)


  • issues with calling observe/unobserve method on an object multiple times in Chrome (native Object.observe) (#20)

0.3.4 (Oct 16, 2013)


  • generate array item remove patches in reverse order, so they can be correctly applied in order they were generated (#16)

0.3.3 (Oct 11, 2013)


  • properly escape ~ and / characters in poiner paths (#19)
  • generated patch contained array length (only in native Object.observe version) (#14)
  • jsonpatch.unobserve now delivers pending changes immediately (previously last-minute changes could be lost)
  • stability fixes for browsers with native Object.observe (Chrome)
  • code cleanup
  • removed sourcemap reference from output js file