To compile a virion folder to virion.phar, you will need to put the virion in the virions folder.
The virions folder should be located in the folder where PocketMine-MP.phar exists.
Next run the command /bv [string:virion]. The [string:virion] is the name of the virion located in the virions folder which you want to compile.
The compiled (phared) virion will appear in plugin_data\VirionTools\builds folder.
Inject a Virion
To inject a virion to a plugin, you will need to put a compiled virion i.e. a virion.phar in plugin_data\VirionTools\builds folder.
You will also need to put a compiled plugin i.e a plugin.phar in plugin_data\VirionTools\plugins folder.
Next run the command /iv [string:virion] [string:plugin].
The [string:virion] should be the name of the virion located in plugin_data\VirionTools\builds folder.
The [string:plugin] should be the name of the plugin located in plugin_data\VirionTools\plugins folder.
Note: Adding the .phar extension doesn't matter. The plugin will add it itself.
After successful virion injection, the injected plugin would be present in plugin_data\VirionTools\plugins folder.
Inject all Virions
To inject all virions into the plugin you need to use injectall [string:plugin] command.
Make sure the virions required by the plugin are already compiled.
Most importantly make a virions key in plugin.yml of the plugin.
List all the virions required by your plugin under it.
Next run the command /injectall [string:plugin] Alias for injectall are ia.
The [string:plugin] should be the name of the plugin located in plugin_data\VirionTools\plugins folder.
After successful virions injection, the injected plugin would be present in plugin_data\VirionTools\plugins folder.
Commands and Permissions
Compile a virion
/compilevirion [string:virion]
cv, bv, buildvirion
Inject a virion
/injectvirion [string:virion] [string:plugin]
Inject all virions
/injectall [string:plugin]
This plugin is designed to be used only by PocketMine-MP developers who wish to compile a virion without using Poggit. Normal users should'nt be using it.
DevTools by PMMP Team for providing the ConsoleScript.php
Poggit by Poggit Team for providing virion.php and virion_stub.php.