
Utility for composing flexible binary protocol parsers

Primary LanguageJava

Binär Bär

Binär Bär (ger. [biˈnɛːɐ̯] ˈbæːr stands for Binary Bear) is a utility for composing flexible binary protocol parsers by using the Continuation Passing Style programming.

When implementing complex protocols, it's often the case that imperative style code turns out to be complicated to read, extend and compose. By using CPS, you can create branches, repeats, optional fields, and combine them all into the single-pass function.

When using Lambdas on JVM, many things will get optimized and you'll have a fast protocol and flexible parser that's easy to maintain, debug and extend.

General idea

In order to construct a flexible parser, you should parse things in an incremental fashion and keep all parts of the parser interchangeable. Continuation is helping you to create an incremental parser (e.g. one that will execute one step at a time, and each step will receive the result of execution of the previous step).

Let's look at a simple example of the Pascal-style Strings. This is probably the simplest part of the binary protocol one can implement. It's also called netstrings sometimes. The idea behind it is that you encode the String by encoding it with int that indicates how many characters there are in the encoded String, followed by the chars themselves:

0   4                 10
| 5 |   a b c d e f   |

We create a Continuation. Our first function receives Integer (1), which is the size of the String that follows it. The function (2) will "extract" the length of the string. In our case it's identity. Now, as we know the length of our String, we can read it with (3), which will discard the String length and return just the resulting String.

Function<ByteBuf, String> parser =
    Binaer.startWithInt(Function.identity())   // (1) Integer -> Integer: reads the Integer, that specifies the amount of chars in string
          .readString(Function.identity(),     // (2) Integer -> Integer: Function that extracts the length of the string
                      (String s) -> s)         // (3) String -> String: Return the decoded string itself

// => "abcdef"

Continuation constructs a function that, given a ByteBuf instance, will pass it through the chain of Integer -> Integer -> String functions and return a String result in the end. In real world you would be first constructing a Frame Header, then Frame, then adding Frame Bodyto it etc.


With branch, you can choose how you decode the object you're working on. For example, you're decoding a protocol that has two data types: date and string

Function<ByteBuf, Object> parser =
          // If the type is 1, which is our `date`
          (Byte type) -> type == (byte) 1,
          Continuation.startWithLong((Long l) -> new Date(l)),

           // If the type is 2, which is our `string`
          (Byte type) -> type == (byte) 2,
          Continuation.startWithInt((Integer stringLength) -> stringLength)
                      .readString((String s) -> s,

// Parses a date:
// => Fri Nov 20 16:44:49 CET 2015

// Parses a string:
// => "abcdef"

Repeated Fields

Many protocols require something like repeated fields. For example, if we'd like to create a protocol parser that consumes a list of strings, we can do it as follows:

// Define a "repeated" part - our netstring protocol
Function<ByteBuf, String> netString =
      Binaer.startWithInt((Integer i) -> i)
            .readString((Integer integer, String s) -> s,

// And define a parser for repeated netstrings:
// We'll first find how many strings there are, and then parse each one of them separately
Function<ByteBuf, List<String>> parser =
                    (prev, l) -> l)

// => ["abcdef", "fghij", "klmn"];

Working with Flags

When designing a binary protocol, it's often important to create a compact representation of flags. Binär got you covered here, too. In order to get up and running, all you need to know is to create an Enum that represents your flags and a mapper Function that would map a Flag to it's index in the resulting "bitset", for example:

enum HeaderFlags {

Function<HeaderFlags, Integer> mapper = flag -> {
  switch (flag) {
      return 0;
      return 1;
      return 2;
  throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find a matching clause");

Now you can get, set flags, get all the set flag values and so on:

int i = 0;

// Will set a `SERIAL_CONSISTENCY` flag
i = FlagHelper.setFlag(i,

// Check if the flag is set
// => true

// Set multiple flags at a time:
i = FlagHelper.setFlags(i,

// Get all the set flags:

And more...

Further Steps

  • Protocol Spec Blueprints generated from consuming functions
  • Optional field consumption (field that either gets consumed and buffer rewinded or buffer remains on the previous position)
  • More data types
  • More combiners
  • More default protocol implementations


Copyright(C) 2015-2016 Alex Petrov

Double licensed under the Eclipse Public License (the same as Clojure) or the Apache Public License 2.0.