
API Gateway & Lambda AWS Thin Egress App

Primary LanguagePython

TEA (Thin Egress App)


The Thin Egress App is an app running in lambda that creates temporary S3 links and provides URS integration.

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Setup and Deploying


  • An application on Earthdata URS
    • Must use OAuth 2
  • A secret in the AWS Secrets Manager containing URS client ID and auth
    • This secret should have two rows, one with key UrsId and the other UrsAuth
  • A bucket map yaml file in a config bucket
  • The buckets described in the bucket map must exist.
    • These need not be in the same account as the egress app.
    • It would help if there were some data in them.
  • An IAM Role the lambda can assume to read the files in the data buckets.

Using pre-packaged lambda code

Pre-packaged versions of the lambda code and associated cloudformation YAML are in S3 in ASF's public code bucket. To use this, download the YAML for the build you want and deploy it. The correct lambda zipfile will be the default.

Packaging lambda code

If you prefer to roll your own zip for the lambda code:

# Make up a filename for code archive:

# get the repo
git clone https://github.com/asfadmin/thin-egress-app
cd thin-egress-app

# Create a scratch directory in which to confine the required modules
mkdir pkg
cd pkg 

# Install requirements here
pip3 install -r ../lambda/requirements.txt  --target .

# To make the archive smaller, you can cull unecessary packages and files from the directory. The particulars are beyond 
# the scope of this documentation.

# Create the zip archive and put the required modules in
zip -r9 ../${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} ./*

# Go to the code directory
cd ../lambda

# Add the common code:
zip -g -r2 ../${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} ./common

# Add the egress python code
zip -g ../${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} ./app.py

# Add the html templates
zip -g -r2 ../${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} ./templates
cd ..

# Upload to S3
aws s3 cp --profile=default ./${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} s3://${CODE_BUCKET}/

Bucket map

The bucket map allows the app to determine in which bucket to look when given the path from the URL.

If a url for a product would look like: https://datapile.domain.com/STAGE/PROCESSING_TYPE_1/PLATFORM_A/datafile.dat

And if we have a data bucket prefix of prfx-d- and our data bucket list looks like this:

- prfx-d-imgs
- prfx-d-pa-pt1
- prfx-d-pb-pt1
- prfx-d-pa-pt2
- prfx-d-pb-pt2

A basic bucket map YAML file would look like this:

    PLATFORM_A:         pa-pt1
    PLATFORM_B:         pb-pt1
    PLATFORM_A:         pa-pt2
    PLATFORM_B:         pb-pt2
    PLATFORM_A:         imgs
    PLATFORM_B:         imgs
  - imgs 

HTML templates

You may optionally create your own jinja2 html templates.

Using custom templates

After you've created your custom templates, create a subdirectory in your ConfigBucket and upload them there. Since the lambda downloads the files in this directory to itself, it's best to put only your template files here. When you deploy your CF, enter this directory name into the HtmlTemplateDir param.

Using default templates

When deploying the CF, set HtmlTemplateDir to '' (empty string).

The templates

base.html This is the base template.


  • pagetitle: Gets inserted inside the <title></title> element
  • content

root.html Child template. Gets called by / and /logout for 200 responses.


  • title: page title
  • URS_URL: used to make the login link
  • STAGE: used to make a URL back to the egress app
  • profile: in the default template, profile.first_name and profile.last_name are used to greet a logged-in user. The entire profile dict is available to the template.
  • contentstring: any text can go here

error.html Child template that gets called when various 400 type errors happen.


  • title: page title
  • status_code: http status code goes here
  • contentstring: any text can go here

profile.html Child template that displays profile info. Only used for debugging in dev.

Cloudformation parameters

It's best to look at the parameter section of the Cloudformation template itself to get the most up to date details.

Deployiny the app in NGAP

To deploy into NGAP, there are a few extra params. Check the NGAP Integration section of the CloudFormation Template.

Use the following bash script to determine appropriate compliance paramaters.

export AWSENV='--profile=cumulus --region=us-east-1'
export VPCID=$(aws $AWSENV ec2 describe-vpcs --query "Vpcs[*].VpcId" --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=Application VPC" --output text)
export SUBNETID=$(aws $AWSENV ec2 describe-subnets --query "Subnets[?VpcId=='$VPCID'].{ID:SubnetId}[0]" --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=Private*" --output=text)
export SECURITYGROUP=$(aws $AWSENV ec2 describe-security-groups --query "SecurityGroups[?VpcId=='$VPCID'].{ID:GroupId}" --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=Application Default*" --output=text)

Its also important to be aware that if an API Gateway VPC Endpoint will need to setup prior to deployment. You can check to see if your account has the appropriate VPCE by runing this command:

aws $AWSENV ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --query "VpcEndpoints[?(VpcId=='$VPCID' && ServiceName=='com.amazonaws.us-east-1.execute-api')].{ID:VpcEndpointId}" --output=text

Keep in mind, if you're not in US-EAST-1, you'll need to change that value above. If you get a return value like vpce-0123456789abcdef0, you're good to go.

Deploying the app

The easiest way to deploy a Thin Egress App is by using one of the YAML files in ASF's public code bucket. Download the YAML for the build you want, the values for LambdaCodeS3Bucket and LambdaCodeS3Key will have default values for deploying that build's lambda code.

The stack-name needs to be compatible with S3 naming requirements (lower case, no underscores, etc) because the CF template may create buckets using this name.

aws cloudformation deploy --profile=default --region=us-east-1 \
  --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
  --template-file ./egress-lambda.yaml \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
  --parameter-overrides \
    URSAuthCredsSecretName=${URS_CREDS_SECRET_NAME} \
    ConfigBucket=${CFG_BUCKETNAME} \
    HtmlTemplateDir=${HTML_TEMPLATE_DIR} \
    BucketnamePrefix=${BUCKET_PREFIX} \
    BucketMapFile=${BUCKETMAP_FILENAME} \
    LambdaCodeS3Bucket=${CODE_BUCKET} \ # Omit this if using build-specific YAML from ASF's public code bucket
    LambdaCodeS3Key=${CODE_ARCHIVE_FILENAME} \ # Omit this if using build-specific YAML from ASF's public code bucket
    DownloadRoleArn=${DOWNLOAD_ROLE_ARN} \
    SessionStore=S3 \
    SessionTTL=168 \
    StageName=${STAGE_NAME} \
    AuthBaseUrl=https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov \
    Loglevel=DEBUG \

Post-deploy action

After the Cloudformation has been deployed, we need to add the new endpoint to the URS Redirect URI list. Get the necessary value like so:

aws cloudformation --region=us-east-1 describe-stacks --stack-name=${STACK_NAME} --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`URSredirectURI`].OutputValue' --output text

Add it here: https://urs.earthdata.nasa.gov/apps/<NAME OF YOUR URS APP>/redirect_uris