
LuaLaTeX docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfile

LuaLaTeX Docker image

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build License: GPL v3


Debian environment with LuaLaTeX packages installed for compilation of LuaLaTeX projects.


Operating systems:

  • Debian 11: ghcr.io/ifilot/lualatex-debian11:v0.5.0
  • Debian 12: ghcr.io/ifilot/lualatex-debian12:v0.5.0
  • Ubuntu 22.04: ghcr.io/ifilot/lualatex-ubuntu22:v0.5.0

Python packages

The LuaLaTeX repository comes bundled with the following Python packages in a virtual environment


To produce a local Docker image with the tag lualatex, run

docker build . -t lualatex


Ensure a copy of the docker image is present

docker pull ghcr.io/ifilot/lualatex-<DIST>:<VERSION>

To compile the Sphinx documentation locally, run

docker run --volume .:/data:rw --workdir /data -it ghcr.io/ifilot/lualatex-<DIST>:<VERSION> ./build_reader.sh

where build_reader.sh is a batch file containing the compilation instructions, e.g.


# compile full reader
latexmk -pdflatex=lualatex -pdf -jobname="$TITLE" main.tex