
Docker container image for Sphinx

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Sphinx Docker image

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build License: GPL v3


Debian environment with Sphinx packages installed for compilation of Sphinx documentation packages and for testing small Python scripts with dependencies related to numerical modelling.

List of available Python packages

Sphinx packages

  • sphinx
  • sphinx-rtd-theme
  • sphinxcontrib-tikz
  • pydata-sphinx-theme
  • sphinx_design

Numerical modelling packages

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • pandas (+openpyxl)


  • autopep8
  • pylint-report


Ensure a copy of the docker image is present

docker pull ghcr.io/ifilot/sphinx:v0.6.0

To compile the Sphinx documentation locally, run

docker run --volume ./docs:/data/docs --workdir /data/docs -it ghcr.io/ifilot/sphinx:v0.6.0 make html