
An accessibility port of react-aria built in rust for the leptos framework.

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A port of the react-aria ecosystem for the leptos framework.


leptos is an amazing rust web framework. It is still in its infancy and needs to better accessibility support.

This is an attempt to provide a port of the react-aria ecosystem to leptos.


devenv is used to provide a reproducible development environment for this project. Follow the getting started instructions.

To automatically load the environment you should install direnv and then load the direnv.

# The security mechanism didn't allow to load the `.envrc`.
# Since we trust it, let's allow it execution.
direnv allow .

At this point you should see the nix commands available in your terminal.

To setup recommended configuration for your favourite editor run the following commands.

setup:vscode # Setup vscode
setup:helix  # Setup helix configuration