
your favourite atomic css compiler

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense


skribble is a fully typed atomic css compiler for rust, node, deno and the browser


Atomic CSS has been popularised by tailwindcss. However there are some limitations to the way it's currently used.

  • Strings are error prone and it would be better to piggy back off typed languages for auto-completion and highlighting typos.
  • Composing libraries is difficult due to the specificity of CSS. If a component has consumed the class .p-2 and you want to override this with the class .p-1 in your parent component, the component will not receive the intended styles. Since the .p-2 appears after .p-1 in the generated CSS code then it can not be overriden by the .p-1 class, regardless of intention. More information on overrides below.


One problem with atomic css libraries is that css selectors that appear later in the generated file have a higher priority than selectors which appear earlier.

In the css that is generated the padding property, added by the .p::$px class appears before the padding-right property, added by the .pr::$2 class. This is usually what is desired.

.p::$px {
    padding: 1px;

.pr::$2 {
    padding-right: 4px;

Imagine we want to set the padding on a component.

import { c } from "skribble/client";

const OverridePadding = (props) => {
	return <div className={[c.p.$px, c.pr.$2].join(" ")}>{props.children}</div>;

The component OverridePadding will render correctly since the padding-right appears later in the css file. The div will have a padding-right of 4px.

But, as shown below, when we try to do the opposite and override the padding-right with the padding property the div will still have a padding-right of 4px.

import { c } from "skribble/client";

const FailedOverridePadding = (props) => {
	return <div className={[c.pr.$2, c.p.$px].join(" ")}>{props.children}</div>;

The best way to fix this would be to automate removal of css classes when they are completely overridden by a class later in the class declaration. This is solved by skribble.


devenv is used to provide a reproducible development environment for this project. Follow the getting started instructions.

To automatically load the environment you should install direnv and then load the direnv.

# The security mechanism didn't allow to load the `.envrc`.
# Since we trust it, let's allow it execution.
direnv allow .

At this point you should see the nix commands available in your terminal.

Upgrading devenv

If you have an outdated version of devenv you can update it by running the following commands. If you have an easier way, please create a PR and I'll update these docs.

nix profile list # find the index of the nxi package
nix profile remove <index>
nix profile install --accept-flake-config github:cachix/devenv/<version>

Editor Setup

To setup recommended configuration for your favourite editor run the following commands.

setup:vscode # Setup vscode
setup:helix  # Setup helix configuration