
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to setup on local machine and test

The assumption is that whoever is running this program is familiar with NPM and Yarn, if not, please pause and do a quick research on these package management tools

To install dependencies

  • yarn

To run the tests

  • yarn test

Video explanation

video link


This take-home assignment is all about unit testing.

Testing is an important part of programming. In this assignment, we want you to write a test that can determine if a given input precisely matches a target model. We will provide you with the target model, which is a simple object in JSON format. You will also be provided with a number of input data. Your job is to write a test that can tell us when the input matches the target and when it doesn't.


Reference the given data below and use your preferred testing library to construct a test file.

Hint: Test a function that compares inputs to the target. An example being:

function compare(input, target) {
  if (input === target) {
    return true
  } else {
    return false


  • The test should successfully pass with each input.

Hint: this means you must tell the test when a mismatch is expected.

  • Include a walkthrough video that shows all the unit tests passing and gives a brief overview of how you approached this problem.


  • Target Model: {"name": "sheet2","freeze": "A1","styles": [],"merges": [],"rows": {},"validations": []}
  • Inputs:
    • Matching input: {"name": "sheet2","freeze": "A1","styles": [],"merges": [],"rows": {},"validations": []}
    • Mismatching inputs:
      • "This is a string, not an object. This won't work!"
      • 100
      • {"name": "sheet2","freeze": "A1","styles": [],"merges": [],"rows": {}}