
This project captures and processes clickstream data to provide real-time insights into user behavior on a website. The data is ingested from a streaming source, processed using Flink, and stored in ClickHouse for fast querying and analysis.


  • Java: java11
  • Kafka: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.1
  • Flink: 1.17.2-java11
  • ClickHouse Server: 24.7.3
  • ClickHouse Client: 21.3.20
  • Grafana: 11.1.1


Now launch Confluent Platform by running the following command. Note the --build argument which automatically builds the Docker image for Kafka Connect and the bundled kafka-connect-datagen connector.

Step 1: Run the container

docker compose up -d --build

Step 2: Write the event

Create the Kafka Connect Datagen source connector. It automatically creates the Kafka topic pageviews and produces data to it with a schema specification from

curl -i -X PUT http://localhost:8083/connectors/datagen_local_01/config \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
            "connector.class": "io.confluent.kafka.connect.datagen.DatagenConnector",
            "key.converter": "",
            "kafka.topic": "pageviews",
            "quickstart": "pageviews",
            "max.interval": 1000,
            "iterations": 10000000,
            "tasks.max": "1"

Check that the connector is running:

curl -s http://localhost:8083/connectors/datagen_local_01/status

Step 3: Consume the event

Now that the kafka-connect-datagen is running, run the Kafka Avro console consumer to see the data streaming into the Kafka topic.

docker exec -it connect kafka-avro-console-consumer \
 --bootstrap-server broker:9092 \
 --property schema.registry.url=http://schema-registry:8081 \
 --topic pageviews \
 --property print.key=true \
 --property key.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer \
 --property key.separator=" : " \
 --max-messages 10

You should see that the state is RUNNING for both connector and tasks elements




graph LR
    A[Website] -->|Sends Clickstream Data| B[Kafka]
    B -->|Streams Data| C[Flink]
    C -->|Processes Data| D[ClickHouse]
    D -->|Queries Data| E[Grafana]

    subgraph Infrastructure


Data Generation and Quality

  • Challenge: Ensuring the data generated by DataGen is realistic and representative of actual clickstream data can be tricky. Inaccurate or unrealistic data can skew your analysis and insights.
  • Solution: Fine-tune DataGen configurations to create diverse and realistic data patterns. Validate the generated data against real-world scenarios to ensure quality.

Schema Evolution

  • Challenge: Managing schema evolution with Confluent Schema Registry can be complex, especially if your clickstream data schema changes over time.
  • Solution: Use schema evolution best practices, such as backward and forward compatibility. Implement versioning and testing strategies to handle schema changes smoothly.

Data Ingestion and Processing

  • Challenge: Setting up Kafka for high-throughput and low-latency data ingestion and ensuring Flink processes the data efficiently can be demanding.
  • Solution: Properly configure Kafka brokers and topics for your expected load. Optimize Flink job configurations for performance and fault tolerance. Monitor the pipeline to detect and address any bottlenecks.

Data Storage and Querying

  • Challenge: Integrating ClickHouse for efficient data storage and querying while ensuring it handles the volume and velocity of clickstream data effectively.
  • Solution: Design your ClickHouse schema to support fast querying and efficient storage. Regularly monitor and optimize performance.

Visualization and Monitoring

  • Challenge: Creating meaningful visualizations in Grafana and ensuring they reflect real-time data accurately can be challenging.
  • Solution: Design dashboards that align with your key metrics and use Grafana’s features to visualize data effectively. Set up alerts and monitoring to keep track of data pipeline health and performance.