
Linux terminal commands replaced with harry potter spells

Primary LanguageShell


Linux terminal commands replaced with harry potter spells

To use new commands in every terminal and in different terminal sessions type this row into your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc


For example, if I downloaded this project to my home/ folder, the command to put into bashrc would be:

. /home/spellcmds/.spells.sh 

If you want to run the script in a single terminal session you just have to go to the location where you've downloaded the project and run

. PATH_TO_PROJECT/.spells.sh

The same way like above one, if I downloaded the project to my home/ folder, I have to type:

. /home/spellcmds/.spells.sh


. ~/spellcmds/.spells.sh

You can use source command as well so:

source ~/spellcmds/.spells.sh 
  1. To xkill process:
  1. To clear screen:
  1. To change directories:
apparate $1
  1. To exit terminal:
  1. To copy files:
horcrux $1 $2
  1. To list files:
  1. To view a single file:
revelio $1
  1. Create directory
accio $1
  1. Move file
wingardium_leviosa $1 $2
  1. To add universal file access:
alohomora $1
  1. To tail a file:
telehanda $1