
Blazingly fast measure Korean string width in pixels on the server in Javascript (Node.Js)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Korean text width measurement on the backend in Javascript.

Article from the original library author


To install the stable version:

npm install --save string-pixel-width-kr

Supported fonts:

  • Noto Sans KR


var pixelWidth = require('string-pixel-width');

const width = pixelWidth('이 텍스트의 width는 얼마일까요?');

How to contribute

PRs are welcome :) This library uses static map of width of every ASCII letter for all supported fonts.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Open file src/pixelWidthCalculator.html in your editor
  3. Add your font name into array of fonts (currently var websafe) and save
  4. Open up src/pixelWidthCalculator.html in Google Chrome. It should look like this: PHPStan
  5. Map of withs will be generated for you - copy it and replace content of file src/widthsMap.js

Please everytime make sure you don't broke existing fonts - remove any font or broke his widths.