
An essential Python tool for directory and file enumeration on web and application servers.

Primary LanguagePython



This Python script is a simple directory enumeration tool that checks a target URL for the existence of directories specified in a list. It uses the requests library to send HTTP GET requests to the target URL with each directory appended, and then checks the response. If a valid response is received, it is considered a "discovered directory."


To use this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone https://github.com/iftekharmickey/Web-App-Directory-Hunter.git
  2. Install the required dependencies. You can use pip to install the requests library:
    pip install requests
  3. Run the script with the following command, replacing [target_url] and [list_file] with your target URL and the file containing the list of directories to check:
    python directory_enum.py [target_url] [list_file]
  4. The script will iterate through the directories in the list and check if they exist on the target URL. If a directory is found, it will be displayed in the console.


[*] Enter Target URL: https://example.com
[*] Enter List Containing Directories: directories.txt
[*] Discovered Directory: https://example.com/directory1
[*] Discovered Directory: https://example.com/directory2
[*] Discovered Directory: https://example.com/directory3


This script relies on the following external Python library:

  • requests: Used for sending HTTP GET requests to the target URL.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • This script is provided for educational purposes only. Using it for unauthorized access to any system is illegal and unethical.
  • Ensure that you have explicit permission to test the security of the target website.
  • Always adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines.


The author of this script is not responsible for any illegal or unethical use of the script. Use it responsibly and with permission.


This tool was developed by Iftekhar Tahir. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me at iftekhar.tahir@proton.me.