
Example to host testable tutorials.

Primary LanguagePython

MyST, MyST-NB, Jupytext, and Sphinx Tutorial

This repository shows how to use


To start with, install the necessary dependencies via pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Sphinx is a powerful documentation generator that converts reStructuredText files into HTML websites and other formats including PDF, EPub, and more.

You need to create a configuration file named conf.py in the root directory of your project where you specify the configuration of your Sphinx documentation.

To quickly generate a default conf.py, use:


And follow the prompts.


MyST is a markdown parser that allows you to write Sphinx documentation in markdown. To use MyST, you need to add the following lines to your conf.py:

extensions = [ ... 'myst_parser', ]


MyST-NB is an extension to MyST that enables parsing of Jupyter notebooks. To use MyST-NB, add the following to your conf.py:

extensions = [ ... 'myst_nb', ]


Jupytext is a Jupyter plugin that reads and writes notebooks in various text-based file formats. It allows you to version control Jupyter notebooks effectively.

Jupytext pairs your notebook with a .md (or other formats) such that changes in either the .ipynb or .md file are reflected in the other. To pair a notebook with a markdown file, you can use the Jupytext command in the command line:

jupytext --set-formats ipynb,md:myst notebook.ipynb

Building the Documentation

Once everything is set up, you can build your documentation with Sphinx using:

sphinx-build -b html . public

This will generate a public/html directory with your built documentation.

Including Notebooks in Your Documentation

To include notebooks in your Sphinx documentation, add them to your toctree directive in your index.md (or index.rst) file:

markdownCopy code

:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:


The index file here refers to tutorials/nan-values/index.md.

One directory is used per tutorials to ensure all assets are contained in this folder. In addition, it helps to keep the url clean, which means the URL is HOST/tutorials/nan-values/ instead of HOST/tutorials/nan-values.html.

Enjoy documenting your project!