
Tagged API client for Node and the Browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tagged API Client

The Tagged API client allows you to make API calls to Tagged.com in node or in the browser.



$ npm install tagged-api


$ bower install tagged-api

Getting Started


// Low level access
var TaggedApi = require('tagged-api');
var api = new TaggedApi('http://www.tagged.com/api.php', {
    clientId: /* your Tagged client id */,
    secret: /* your Tagged client secret */,
    session_id: 'abc123', // Session cookie ID from request
    timeout: 10000        // Set http timeout (default 10s)

// Or use middleware to automatically create an api instance for each request
var connect = require('connect');
var app = connect();
var TaggedApi = require('tagged-api');
app.use(TaggedApi.middleware(host, {
    clientId: /* your Tagged client id */,
    secret: /* your Tagged client secret */,
    passHeaders: [        // The following list of headers will be passed from the client to the API server
    timeout: 10000        // Set http timeout (default 10s)

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
    // Make API calls on behalf of the user that is authenticated with this request
    req.api.execute('user.whoami').then(function(result) {


<script src="bower_components/tagged-api/tagged-api-min.js"></script>
var api = new TaggedApi('/api.php', {
    session_id: 'abc123' // Session cookie ID from `document.cookie`

Executing API Calls

To make an API call, use .execute(), which returns a promise:

// Same API in either environment:
api.execute('im.send', {
    to: 12345,
    message: 'Join the party!'
}).then(function(result) {
    // Process `result`
}).catch(function(error) {
    // Handle `error`

Note: All API calls are executed on behalf of the authenticated user, or anonymously if not authenticated. Executing API calls on behalf of another user is not supported.

Executing Multiple API Calls

Executing multiple API calls is exactly like executing one -- just make multiple calls to api.execute(). The Tagged API Client will automatically batch multiple calls together into a single HTTP request to improve network performance.

// All of the following calls will be placed into a queue and
// sent as a single HTTP request on the next tick:
api.execute(method1, params1).then(handler1).done();
api.execute(method2, params2).then(handler2).done();
api.execute(method3, params3).then(handler3).done();

If you need to wait for all API calls to complete before processing the result, use any promise library that supports .all(), such as Q:

var Q = require('q');
    api.execute(method1, params1),
    api.execute(method2, params2),
    api.execute(method3, params3)
]).then(function(results) {
    // Each result will be available in the `results` array
}).catch(function(error) {
    // If any of the promises fail, this handler will be called with the reason

Using the Event Emitter

With the latest version of this API, you can now use the the on function to push a callback upon hearing a certain status using promises.

var send = function() {
    // Function code.
this.api.on('MESSAGE_RECIEVED', send);

Response Caching

The API client now supports response caching by passing an additional config object into the .execute() call. Caching is disabled (false) by default.

When config.cache is true, the response (regardless of success or failure) will be cached and re-used through the lifetime of the TaggedAPI instance. If set to an integer, it will be cached for that amount of time in seconds.

Expired cache entries will be deleted and overwritten if an identical call is made after the cache entry expires. Additionally, all expired cache entries will be cleared approximately once every 100 api.execute() calls.

api.execute(string endpoint[, object parameters[, object config]])