
serialize should be used to easily define serializable formats for your data structures.

By default, the serializer can be used by adding a go:generate directive:

package main

//go:generate serialize -file=$GOFILE -type=Foo
type Foo struct {
    Bar int
    Fizz uint

In this example, for structure Foo will be generated two methods Serialize() and Unserialize().

In some cases, you would like to have multiple ways of serializing your data structures, for example when you have a structure containing its own hash, you would like to ignore this field when serializing for hash calculation. For that, you should create a custom serializer, and a tag on the target field.

package main

//go:generate serialize -file=$GOFILE -type=Foo -serializer=Hashing
type Foo struct {
    Bar int
    Fizz uint
    Hash string `serialize:"Hashing" Hashing:"ignore"`

For the code above, two interfaces will be generated, with the following naming convetion:

// generic
interface <serializer>Serializer - method <serializer>Serialize()
interface <serializer>Unserializer - method <serializer>Unserialize()

// for our example
interface HashingSerializer - method HashingSerialize()
interface HashingUnserializer - method HashingUnserialize()